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*3 years later*

"Have you seen it anywhere?" Jungwoo asked Yukhei. He spent 10 minutes of his time searching for his missing book on the small bookshelf instead of preparing for his morning class.

Lucas stuck his head out on the bedroom doorway. "Nope. Try searching under the coffee table." Then he got back to whatever he was doing.

The boys were in college now. Jungwoo took Mechanical Engineering while Yukhei chose Arts and Design. They moved out of their apartments to lived in the dorms and share a room together.

The hyungs went to the same university since the courses they want to take was available there. As for the maknaes, it's their last year in high school.

"I found it!" Jungwoo held it up in victory and placed it inside his bag. He ran to the bathroom to ready himself and dressed up on his uniform.

His speech was now fixed, his voice was beautiful and angelic, which Lucas fell in love with him even more, and he got over of stuttering. His trauma and nightmares stayed but he was still fighting.

They organized themselves in a hurry and locked the door of their room.

While running across the campus field, Jungwoo called his boyfriend. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Yukhei stopped dead on his tracks and was staring at a snail on the bushes, trying to climb up on the thin branch. "Hmm?" He hummed. "Oh right."

They have to get up an hour after dawn because the dorms were quite far from their faculty building.

The older reached the Engineering building and quickly pecked Yukhei on the cheek. "I'll see you at lunch." Then he left for his first class.

The latter left after he got inside to his college building.


The hyung line met up at lunch break.

"I have no sleep so don't disturb me." Taeil said the moment he sat down and planted his face on the table. They heard him snoring and they chuckled.

Jungwoo looked at Johnny. "What happened to him?" He pointed at his hyung. "He was fine the last time we talked though."

"He said he has a test in his first subject and all he did last night was to drink coffee and review his textbooks." He said and gently stroked the older's soft locks, not to wake him up.

The brown haired male nodded in understandment. He dyed his hair last weekend when he and Yukhei had a date.

"I'm gonna go get some food. Johnny, do something about Taeil." Taeyong said to him and made Jaehyun come with him.

But did the american listen? No. He just left his boyfriend there and stood up to buy his lunch.

Yuta and Sicheng were nowhere to be seen, probably in class or somewhere in the campus. Kun and Ten went together to buy soy milk.

Only the trio were left in the table. It was like the time when they were still in high school, except that Taeil was fast asleep.

"I miss the three of us hanging out like in Literature. Remember the play?" Jungwoo brought up the topic. The others came back and talked about their performance, even laughed at Taeil's and Yukhei's fake french accent.

Yukhei humped. "What? I practiced hard on working for the accent." He crossed his arms on his chest. Jungwoo gave him a kiss to stop the taller from sulking. He beamed and pinched his squishy cheeks.

The rest of the time, they just talked about their high school days in SM High, from being a small group of friends until they became inseparable.


"I'm so exhausted. Taking engineering is really a pain." Jungwoo fell down on his bed. Lucas laid beside him but was pushed off. "Get out. I'm tired."

Yukhei did what the older can't resist. He pouted. Jungwoo stared at him before laughing and he scooted over so the younger have space to lay on.

It's crazy how Yukhei got lovestruck with a mute boy on his first day, maybe because luck was on his side when he met Jungwoo.

They faced each other and he hugged his boyfriend. "Love you." Yukhei whispered while the other nuzzled on his neck and sniffed his scent.

"Love you too." Jungwoo murmured. They talked about their first meeting and thought of doing their works later at night.

But they didn't do it because they got too comfy from cuddling and managed to sleep on a single bed.

Before graduating in SM High, the whole school found out that they were dating. Because Lucas got the attention for being a new student from their year, Jungwoo got a nickname, even though he wasn't mute anymore, and it went kind of famous, passing it from higher to lower year levels.

He was known as The Transferee's Mute.

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