Chapter Three: Getting To Know You

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen


Kakashi's Pov

I awoke an hour before the morning sun could even think about shining in my eyes. I quickly got to work and placed all the papers back into the safe and replaced everything. Even with the anbu squad eyes staring into my soul but of course like always, I ignore them. I headed off to my bedroom where the bed was still collecting dust along with the two shelves full of things. The 'things' bring back old painful memories but they are still memories that I can't let go. So they sit there collecting dust because its to painful for me to even touch them. It was my anbu mask, my fathers katana, pictures me and my father along with both team 7's, one of Minato's kunai, random dog tags from friends and comrades, etc.

I only gave the 'things' a small glance before turning to walk into my bathroom. I locked the door behind me and started to strip down has I turned the water to a comfortable temperature. I kept my eyes from looking into the mirror where I couldn't see my scarred body. The body that I declared ugly long ago, to many painful memories in so many scars even if its the size of a fly. Its still too painful. I quickly washed up hoping to get out of this apartment has fast as I can before I could break from so many painful memories. I exited the bathroom with my mask and a single towel hanging low on my waist.

"Kakashi sir?" I heard someone call.

"Mhm? What is it?" I asked turning around. I had my sharingan eye closed so I turned to look at the four anbu standing in my room.

"Someone is banging on your door, demanding that you show yourself," ponytail stated.

"He was the one with you yesterday, he calls you Sensei," the hawk man spoke up.

"It's Naruto, let him in and tell him I have to get dress first before we can train," I replied.

"Yes of course, should we close your bedroom door?" ponytail asked.

"Yes," I replied picking up my hair brush. They locked my door from the inside before closing it, leaving me alone. I quickly got dressed and walked out to find Naruto eating my miso soup from last night and the anbu squad once again hiding.

"Good morning! You are normally late so I decided to come and get you so then you wouldn't be late!" Naruto explained to me with a huge smile. I felt my insides warm up a bit at seeing his smile.

"Ah, I guess that is why your here so early?" I replied.

"I rushed over so I didn't have anytime to eat, I was going to make us some food but all you had was some really really old milk and this. I hope you don't mind Sensei," he rambled. I chuckled as I ruffled his hair.

"It's alright Naruto, you need you energy for the training today and besides I wasn't going to eat it anyway," I said giving him my eye smile. His eyes lit up at seeing that I wasn't mad at him. He flopped down onto my kitchen chair and started eating the miso soup even faster.

"Calm down Naruto, we have the whole day and longer," I said patting his back, trying to get him not to choke on it. He started eating slower after mumbling a 'sorry sensei'. I went and grabbed the stuff I needed for his training, it only took me a few minutes. When I return he was eating the last of the miso soup.

"Where do you want me to put this sensei?" he asked.

"Just leave it there, I will clean it later," I ordered. He went running for the door after I finished ruffling his hair once more.

"Training? Training? Training? Training? Training?" he begged like a puppy dog with his hand on the door knob.

"Yes training," I confirmed, walking towards him. Naruto got even brighter at the thought of training with me. He is so innocent. Never had blood on his hands unlike me. I want him to stay like that forever.

"Sensei? Can we go now?" he asked looking at me though the open door with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, we can go now," I replied with a smile, walking out the door.

*Night Fall*

I headed back towards my house after I took Naruto and Yamato out to dinner once more, and tricked Yamato into paying it once more. I flopped down onto the couch and let out a exhausting sign. Even though I basically sat there and read my Icha Icha book, I'm still exhausted. Social interaction is so hard and tiring. I sat back up. Now it's time to start debating what I'm going to do. It took a few minutes before I finally decided to go ahead and work on my assignment of destroying the Akatsuki. I stood up and headed over to the now empty bowl that once held miso soup. I took my lovely ass time of washing it before I headed over to my bookshelf.

"Ay! Ponytail?" I called. He jumped out of the shadows.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Help a crazy crippled man will you?" I laughed. He came over and moved it for me. While I was unlocking the safe, they started speaking.

"You can call me Akira instead," I heard ponytail speak. I grabbed the papers and scrolls before turning around.

"That's Ryo, Zen and Yuu" Akira said pointing towards them. I struck my hand out with everything piled in my other.

"Okay then, well I'm Kakashi Hatake" I said has the each shook my hand. Their confused faces was hidden underneath their masks but they nodded their heads in reply. I pulled my hand back and walked around them to sit down on the couch and place the papers on the coffee table. I worked on them until I unknowingly drifted off to sleep around 1 am. I was on laying on my side with my feet still on the floor and my hands up by my face.

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