Chapter Eight: Littlespace?

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen


Kakashi's Pov

I cuddling into Ryo chest while we sat on the couch and I simply just sucked on my thumb and played with his long hair.

"Now, I believe this is a little space. Its where he had live through trauma where he couldn't act like a actual child. So I'm guessing whenever he starts thinking about it, it probably triggers his little space. Now normally it's a kink but I don't know if this is sexual or not for him. But basically he acts like a little kid and has a mind of a little kid," Akira explained.

"Oh, well that makes more sense," Zen said.

"I think his little age is maybe 5, I don't know but the way that he is preferring to himself in I's and Kashi, it's probably around that age. All we have to do is take care of him like any other little kid, and from what I can guess he calls himself Kashi in his little space," Akira continued.

"So we are basically babysitting?" Yuu asked. I pulled my thumb out of my mouth and tugged on Ryo's shirt until he looked down at me with a huh?

"I-I hunry," I stated.

"Oh, umm, well let's see if theirs anything to eat," Ryo replied. He stood up with me in his arms and I stuck my thumb back into my mouth and kicked my legs back and forth has he carried me to the kitchen.

"Uhh, guys?" Ryo called after looking everywhere but finding no food. I felt a weird sensation in my stomach and I started pushing something out of my body has the others walked into the kitchen.

"What is it, Ryo?" Yuu asked.

"Someone needs to go shopping because their is literally no food here," Ryo told them.

"Oh well-" Akira started. I suddenly let out a grunt and a stinky fart has I continue sucking my thumb and playing with his hair.

"Uhh Kashi? Are you?" asked Ryo. I grunt again with a another fart.

"Oh my god, Kakashi are you pooping?" Yuu asked.

"Nu," I grumble has I hid my face in Ryo's neck.

"Your gonna need to add diapers to that list," Ryo said has he took me to the bathroom. Lucky for him, it was only farts and nothing actually came out yet. But Ryo did pull down my pants and place me on the toilet and helped me wipe and put my pants back on. He showed me how to wash my hands before he carried me out to the living room again to find Yuu alone and the other two gone to go shopping.

"Kashi bored!" I stated loudly.

"Well, uh, Yuu why don't you find something that can entertain him, he did play with my hair for an half a hour sooo it probably could be anything," Ryo spoke. Yuu disappeared and came back with a puzzle cube.

"Here, this is mine. I bring with me for missions like these. Just don't break it okay," Yuu explained handing it to me.

"Kk U, Kashi pwomise nut to breck," I giggled.

*Hour Later*

"Man, what took you guys so long?" Yuu complained has Akira and Zen came in through the deck door.

"Do you know how hard it is to find a store that sells adult diapers," Zen complained back.

"Well, lucky half way through we found a shop that specializes in Littles," Akira stated.

"We hace coloring books, puzzles, stuff animals, random toys, pacifiers, these things that you freeze and chew on, also dinosaur diapers and a blanket and these very cute looking snacks," Zen listed off.

"Errr, you probably didn't need to buy so much," Ryo said worryingly.

"Well the lady there was very- well let's say she forced us to buy all of this," Akira responded.

"Uh, okay then," Ryo replied unsurely. I squealed and immediately made grabby hands at the stuff wolf and blanket.

"Puppy! Blanky!" I squealed with excitement. Zen immediately handed them to me causing me to shoved in my face and squirm with a another excited squeal.

 Zen immediately handed them to me causing me to shoved in my face and squirm with a another excited squeal

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They soon put most of the stuff away and gave me frosted animal crackers

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They soon put most of the stuff away and gave me frosted animal crackers. I kinda ate the whole box while I sat there in a diaper and colored with a new puppy and blanky. I quickly started to feel icky and got this painful ache in my tummy. I started lightly crying until Akira came to my rescue.

"Kashi? What's the matter?" he asked.

"I tum tum hurts," I sobbed lightly.

"Ohhh, come here," Akira said opening his arms. I quickly crawled into them. He rubbed my belly hoping to relieve some of the pressure but it didn't work. I hurled the frosted animal crackers all over my own lap and into his has well. They probably forgot that I can barely eat two vitamin pills.

Akira quickly carried me to the bathroom and gave me a bath while I played in the bubbles and splash around, he actually bathed and washed me. After that I found myself in Ryo's lap once more begging for a bedtime story from Yuu while Akira cleaned up. Yuu gave me a somewhat child friendly story but I ended up passed out half way through.

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