Chapter Five: We Ain't Stupid Pretty Boy

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen


Kakashi's Pov

Here I am, a month later from when I had broke both of my legs and got a anbu squad. Well, let's just say I have that same exact anbu squad once again. I may or may not have gotten hit with a unknown jutsu, that mess my chakra all up. So for the time being I am banned from using any form of chakra, mainly just from Lady Tsuande being overprotective bastard.

And that brings you to what I am doing right now, I'm sitting on the floor still working on the Akatsuki case. I silently drum my fingers against the table, completely unable to think properly for a weird unknown reason. I haven't been able to eat any solider pills for the last two days, when I try to eat them, I end up puking them back up. The only reason why I couldn't focus on the work in front of me is because my four guards will not stop staring at me.

Normally I am able to ignore it, but this time, I feel all weird inside. It started when I heard Lady Tsunade tell me that she was assigning the same squad to me again. I knew that they could tell. That I was secretly slowly killing myself off. The only reason why I won't just stab myself and get it over with, is because I want to suffer. I want to feel the pain of all of my mistakes and all the pain I caused people.

And I know that the squad were aware of what I was doing to myself. Especially of how skinny I gotten since they left. I simple wear baggy clothes to make it seem like I'm still my same weight, I tucked it in so people can't tell that it has become so baggy. If I were to take it off now, you will see my rib cages popping out. But this Anbu squad is different from the others, the interact with me when normally Anbu squads don't. They are smart. They knew what I was hiding and I also knew that.

"Are you going to just keep staring at me or are you going to scold me already?" I asked firmly. A few seconds of silent passed.

"Well normally we don't scold people but if that's something you like? Then we will happily do so," Akira said. I snorted.

"Oh, really now? Hahaha," I laughed. I suddenly was able to focus on the work in front of me a little. I started writing down sentences.

"You wanna know something?" Zen asked.

"What?" I questioned with interest.

"You can either let us help you, or we can bring Lady Tsunade into this," Zen told me. I froze for a sec or two before I continue writing.

"Now knowing Lady Tsunade she wouldn't be able to stop you without using force. And she would never want to harm her precious nephew," Yuu stated. I snorted once more.

"Why do you care what I do with my life anyway?" I said neutrally, popping my elbow onto the table and placing my head on top of my fist while looking up at them with bored eyes. Akira held out a vitamin table.

"We can do this the easy way where you take this tablet with no complaints or, we can do it the hard way where we pull that mask down and shove it down your throat. It's up to you Mr Copyninja, but oh? That's right you can't use you sharingan because you are unable to use chakra. That means you will swallow this either way," Akira spoke threatening. I smirked up at them.

"Well, I do love a challenge," I replied smirking.

*Time Skip Because I'm Not In The Mood To Write It All Out But Instead Use You Imagination To Finish It*

I was slammed face first into the hard wooden floor with my hands tied behind my back with wire strings. My ankles were wrapped in wire strings that went all the way up to the back of my thighs. My ass up in the air a little while Yuu sat on my legs holding them still. Zen has his knee placed on my lower back holding me down and his hands on my shoulders.

"Okay, well that was a lot more difficult than we originally thought," Ryo spoke slightly panting.

"Congrats! You finally got me, I mean it did take two hours but I mean congrats for taking me down," I said cheerfully and proudly.

"Oh shut the fuck up," I heard Zen growl into my ear. A shiver when down my spine. Akira got down in front of me and grabbed my chin and pulled my mask down.

"Alrighty, open wide pretty boy," he said with the tablet in his hand. I open my mouth only to bite down onto his hand hard drawing blood before I spit the tablet out.

"You son a bitch," I heard him yell in pain. Zen slammed my head back down after I chuckled at him.

"Do you think this is game Hatake?!" Zen barked.

"Maybe," I chuckled.

"What the hell is wrong with you," Akira snarled.

"Everything," I said trying my best to hold back my laughter but failing. I was pulled up by Ryo with his hands on the front of my shirt knocking the other two off.

"Your life is on the line and everyone else's lives are on the line. If you die than everyone will be effected and some may never recover, like your precious students for example," he spoke lowly in my face with pure rage. I started laughing.

"Ha ha, do you think like I don't know that, I'm already going to hell has it is-haha, I have to much innocent blood my hands to not go there. And besides that I'm always the bad guy in every situation haha, life is so fucked up like don't you agree hahaha," I said laughing like a mad man at that point.

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