Chapter Eleven: You Can't Leave, Promise?

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

Kakashi's Pov

I opened my eyes to see the night sky. Great! I knocked myself out. I stood up using the bloody tree has support for my shaky legs. I started walking home realizing that the Anbu squad should no longer be at my house. They should've gotten sent home yesterday and they might be home today unless they were sent on another mission.

I got to my front door and took a few seconds to undo all my traps. I opened my door and stepped in, too tired to give a shit about whats happening. I closed the door and didn't bother setting the traps back up and walked right into the living room and when face first into the couch with my feet hanging over the arm rest. I brought my arms up to my arms and cuddled into them and the crack of the couch.

"Dumbass," I mumbled to myself.

"Your not a dumbass Kakashi," I heard a voice call. I jumped up alarmed and attacked the nearest person. They blocked my attack and caught me by my wrists because I was so tired.

"Calm down Kakashi, its just us," I heard Ryo say. I took steps backwards panting from the sudden fear that flooded my veins.

"Oh thank god, its just you," I panted out in relief.


"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I asked suddenly alarmed.

"We were worried about you Kakashi," Yuu spoke.

"We tried to find you but we failed so we decide to wait here for you," Akira said.

"Well get out!" I shouted.

"No," Akira replied calmly.

"You are no longer station here so leave," I snarled.

"We talked with Lady Tsunade and she extended the time date until. You. Are. Better!" Zen stated.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" I asked.

"You know what it means Hound" Ryo said using my anbu name.

"Calm down, everything is going to be fine Hound. Just breathe," Zen said. I just realized I was hyperventilating while panicking with anger and sadness? I calmed my breathing down some.

"I don't want you here," I mumbled.

"Sure you don't," Yuu spoke sarcastically.

"Hound, calm down. Then we can talk," Akira said slightly pushing me backwards onto the couch.

"I am calm down," I growled.

"Yes, we know you are but right now I need to take a short breather, so lets sit down and be quiet for a couple minutes," Akira said sitting beside me. We sat there being silent for a few minutes and my head finally cleared up and now I was super embarrassed for overacting.

"Thanks," I murmured quietly.

"Why did you run from us?" Akira asked getting right to the point.

"None of your business," I said blushing from embarrassment.

"Please tell us Hound, its all about healing," Ryo said kneeling down in front of me and placing his hands on my knees. It made me unconformable and calm at the same time. I slightly puffed my lips out and looked away from him off to my left.

"Come on now Hound," Yuu said has he flopped down to the left of me. A pair of arms suddenly wrapped around me from behind me. It was Zen leaning again the back of the couch.

"You trust us right?" Zen asked against my neck. A few minutes passed once more. The silence felt like a ticking time bomb and it finally popped.

"It was embarrassing, alright?" I said quietly.

"Okay but what made you ran away," Akira pushed.

"I don't know," I sighed.

"Oh come on, yes you do Hound," Ryo pressed. Hound. Why is that name so calming?

"Do you hate me?" I asked suddenly.

"What? . . No of course not," Akira said.

"What makes you think that?" Zen asked.

"I am completely insane, thats why," I answered.

"You not insane Hound," Ryo reassured me.

"What about all the ugly scars that force me to be insane," I snapped back.

"Your scars are beautiful inside and outside," Yuu said quickly. I rolled my eyes at the cheesiness.

"Hound, we know you hate yourself but we love you," Ryo said carefully.

"What did you just say?" I asked quietly.

"I said We know you Hate yourself but . . but we love you Kakashi," Ryo said more slower.

"You can't," I reply in a instant.

"But we do Hound, we love you a lot Kakashi," Akira said. I stood up quickly.

"NO!" I shouted. They quickly stood up to has I tried to walk away feeling myself start to hyperventilate again. Ryo pulled me back and held my back against his stomach. Zen quickly made his way around and before I knew it his lips were on mine. So enhancing. We lightly french kiss until he pulled away leaving me completely calm now. I looked down at the floor.

"You can't leave me," I spoke quietly.

"We won't," I heard Akira speak. I felt all of them hug me.

"Promise?" I asked quietly. They all looked at each other before looking back at me.

"Promise," they all said at the same time.

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