Chapter Seven: Again With The Nightmares :(

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Chabudai: Those low Japanese tables where you sit on the pillows.

Unagi: It's what I believe is a hard dish and if you don't cook the eel right it's blood can poison you, I think.

Now he also goes into little space because of the trauma and it's also known has age regression. But little space and age regression is completely different but I haven't decided which I want Kakashi to have so I'm saying both.

The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen


Kakashi's Pov

*Start Of Nightmare: These Are Memories That Kakashi Has Of His Dad*

I open five year old eyes to find myself staring up into the trees and the night sky. I raised my hand up to the sky and imagined that I was reaching up to grab one of the beautiful stars. I've loved the sky ever since my father started taking us stargazing.

"Kakashi, come look through the telescope," I heard my father called. I looked beside me to see him smiling.

"Okay, daddy," I replied with a huge smile has I climbed out of my sleeping bag. I walked over to him and looked through the telescope to see the stars. I felt dad place his hands on my shoulders.

"Tell me what you see," he said. I found the beginning of a constellation so I zoomed out some to see a word.

"Daddy! Daddy! I found a letter constellation," I stated cheerfully.

"What does it say?" he asked. I zoomed out more to read it has I felt his hands disappeared. It said 'You stupid child, you killed her, your own mother, we never should've had a children'.

"Daddy," I whimpered fearfully has I turned around to find myself in the kitchen in my seven year old body.

"BOY!" I heard my father yelled. I immediately ran into the living room to see him at the chabudai.

"Yes dad?" I asked hiding behind the doorframe. 

"Is dinner done yet?" he asked not looking at me.

"I just started making Unagi so it's still going to take a while," I replied. He looked me with a nasty look and threw the can of beer at my head and I easily moved my head out of the way. I heard him release a terrifying growl has he stood up.

"Your not suppose to move brat, come here boy! I show you what hurts more than a damn beer can," he said undoing his belt. I immediately turned to run away, only to heard him yell.

"Don't make this harder then it has too boy, not unless you want no food either," he roared. I jumped out the door to escape outside but I tripped over my own foot. I closed my eyes to brace for impact. My head slammed into the tatami floor mat of my fathers room. I held onto the floor has my pants suddenly was ripped off.

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