Chapter Four: Nightmares

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

So this nightmare is pretty crap, I am aware of that so there's no need to comment it.

Kakashi's Pov


It was completely dark besides Rins face in my line of vision.

"Kakashi," she cried out softly with blood coming out the side of her mouth.

"Rin," I whispered. Rin's face suddenly shifted and changed to a enraged one.

"KAKASHI!" she screamed angrily as a kunai in her hand came flying wards my face. I screamed in fear has I jumped back to dodge but I fell backwards onto my butt. Where I then started falling endless. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and reopened them to see that I was standing in the Hokage's office. Minato Sensei was sitting in the chair.

"Hatake Kakashi. You failed. And because of that. You are no longer my student nor an leaf shinobi," he spoke coldly.

"W-wait? Sensei what do you mean?" I whimpered.

"You will no longer call me that," he said has he stood up.

"Kakashi," I heard a voice. I turned to see my father.

"You are no longer my son," he stated. I felt tears come to my eyes.

"This can't be happening," I argued softly.

"You failed to save me and-," he started.

"You failed to save me as well," I heard Rin said. I turned to my right to her with a frown on her face.

"You failed to keep our promise," I heard Obito say. I turn to see Obito behind me now.

"Obito," I whispered.

"Hatake Kakashi," I heard my Sensei speak up.

"From this day forward you, will be called Mutt, because you are no better than a worthless mutt," he told me. Suddenly Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and the rest of Konoha 11 along with their Sensei's appeared.

"Mutt Mutt Mutt Mutt MUtt MUtt MUTT MUTT MUTT," they started chanting.

"No, no, no," I cried as I fell to my knees.

*End Of Nightmare*

Darted up screaming, "NOOOO". I bent over causing me to stumble off of the couch.

"Kakashi!" voices yelled in worry but my brain didn't register them. I kept hyperventilating as I placed my hands over my ears and curled up into a ball.

"Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!" I chanted quietly to myself.

"Kakashi? Hey?" Ryo spoke, but it was death to my silent ears. They kept calling my name but I couldn't hear them. Until suddenly I felt a vibration go through the floor, it was anbu tabbing codes.

Tab Hey Tab Kakashi
Tab Your Tab In Tab Your Tab Apartment
Tab Calm Tab Down
Tab Your Tab Safe.

Once I gained control over my breathing, I looked up from my position to see Zen doing the tabbing and the others standing around me. Did I just freak out? I did? Didn't I? I had another nightmare, that's the reason on why I don't sleep. They probably hate me now. I should apologize. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry about that, I do that every once in a while so it's nothing to worry about. I'm gonna go take a shower now, so please excuse me," I spoke neutrally. I stood up and forced my shaky legs to carry me back into the bathroom for the second shower today. Without stripping down I got into the shower and turn the cold water on. I stood there underneath the hose, the water soaking my clothes and mask, I could feel myself starting to have trouble breathing but I looked straight up at the hose, water boarding myself.

"You should probably take that mask off before you water board yourself," I heard Ryo call. I simply raised my hand and waved them off before I lower it.

"Get out and stop being rude," I ordered. It was very rude, they didn't even knock to come. Wait, I didn't shut the door did I? I didn't hear them open it. Just then heard the door close, they were no longer in the room. I guess, I really didn't close the door. I remain standing their until my vision turned black and I woke up on the bed I never sleep in. They cleaned the dust off and the sheets smell fresh. I hate how people are so nice to people who has so much innocent blood on their hands. It's strange really. I mean why would anyone do that?


Kakashi completely ignored the squad after that, too embarrassed to face what happened. Soon enough he was back to good health and they had to leave. But, what Kakashi didn't know was that the anbu squad guarding him, was all in a relationship. And that they all had just fallen deeply in love with him, and that they will save him from himself sooner or later.

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