Chapter Six: Why Can't I Stop!?!?

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen

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The first one with the pony tail is Akira ---> Yuu ---> Ryo ---> Zen


Kakashi's Pov

Ryo punched me straight in the face and knocked me down, even when I was still laughing. He was about to slam his foot down onto my face until he saw the expression on my face. I knew that my face was full of pain and sorrow with tears flooding out like waterfalls, but I just couldn't bring myself to stop laughing. The more and more I laughed the louder and harder it got. The wire strings around my arms and legs were suddenly cut. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and kicked my legs in the air with my eyes squeezed shut from me laughing so hard. After about a hour I finally calm down into short giggles with pants between. I was still on the floor and others were now sitting on my pillows when they got tried of standing and watched me laugh for a hour long.

"What the fuck? why can't I sto-haha haha," I laughed. Every time I tried to talk or they will try to talk to me, it only threw me into a short minute long laughing fit again. I laid there in complete silence with them, all of us not saying a word, too afraid that it would make me start laughing again.

"Well, that was awful," I stated scratching my stomach.

"That was like being tortured with a feather and you can't stop laughing," I spoke. I groaned has I sat up feeling a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me.

"Well, I think we can all agree that was something," Yuu stated. I stood up.

"Yep! Now if you don't mind, I have to get back to my work an-" I said while walking back towards my coffee table.

"Oh no you don't," Akira said catching me by the back of my shirt. I let out a whimper has I was drag between them. Ryo grabbed me by the hips and pulled me into his laps. I turned around and looked at me and wink and growled "ooo sexy".

"Kakashi," I heard a exhausted Akira call. I turned back around.

"Huh? What? Ya?" I asked. I tried to pull Ryo arms off of my hips but then he moved his hands to fully wrap them around me. I wiggle and tried my best to escape his arms for at least a good five minutes before my arms and head fell down with a disappoint sigh.

"Am I still sexy now?" I heard Ryo tease in a smirky tone.

"Yes, but no. Not right now," I pouted has I started struggling against his unmoving body once again. I also just realized that Ryo and Akira body size was the size of Zabuza's and maybe even bigger. Yuu and Zen was mixed between me and the other two. That means that I'm so very tiny compared to the height and shoulder width, but I've always been smaller than most people my age. Oh god, I bet their dick sizes are big. I finally went limp at that thought and was panting heavily, only to have Ryo move his arms to wrap around my chest and arms to hold them still. I looked from one of Ryo's hand to another and back again. I let out a angry howl. 

"Oh! You have got to be fucking kidding me!" I snarled. I literally just did all that work and tired myself out for nothing. I sat there in Ryo's lap a silent as can be while the others never spoke the whole time.

"Are you finished now?" asked Zen.

"Wow, you were so exhausted from laughing for a hour that you got mad and let yourself get even more tired and weak," Yuu spoke dramatically.

"I hate you all so, so so soooo much," I murmured.

"So? Are you finally ready to take this vitamin tablet without fighting back?" Akira asked hopefully.

"What do you think?" I mumbled.

"*sigh* Zen you have the water, Yuu you can help me," Akira ordered. Yuu grabbed my head and pulled it back to where I was now looking upwards. I felt Ryo shift his arms where he can hold me with one arm if he needs too. Yuu grabbed my hair and hooked his finger into my mouth and onto my bottom jaw and pulled my mouth open. Akira placed his one hand in my hair and another one gripping my chin. I suddenly tried to twist my body out of their hold and tried to bite down onto Yuu's fingers but their hold was too strong.

Zen dropped the tablet into my mouth and surprisingly started pouring water down my throat causing me to choke. Ryo quickly pulled one hand up and over my mouth causing me to easily slip my arms out of his single hand hold but Akira was already their. He grabbed onto my hands and held them down onto my legs to help keep me still. I felt tears come to my eyes has I got control of the water. I pushed the vitamin underneath my tongue and painfully swallowed the water down. Yuu grabbed ahold of head once more when Ryo release my mouth. He wrapped his hands back around my arms causing Akira to let go and put his hands back on my head. Zen slipped his fingers into my mouth looked around for the vitamin before lastly picking up my tongue to reveal it.

"*sigh* really Kakashi," I heard him say disappointingly.

"We gave him a chance, so I just we have to move on to stage 3," I heard Akira say.

"Alright," Zen replied boredly. I felt Zen pick the vitamin and shoved his whole hand down my throat forcing the vitamin down. Once Zen knew for sure it was down, he pulled away causing Yuu and Akira to has well. I quickly hacked my lungs up with Akira cupping my mouth but still allowing air to come in and out, just in case the vitamin came back up. But it sadly didn't. My lungs finally settled down causing me to become even more exhausted than before.

"Alright, your pretty tired so I think it's time for bed," Ryo spoke has he picked me up webbing style. I soon passed out in his arms before we even reached the bed.

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