Chapter Twenty (Iida)

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"I wonder when Izu-Kun will come back."

"Alright class, calm down. It was just the press." Aizawa-Sensei says while stepping into the classroom. "Sir, we know. Iida told everyone in the cafeteria." Ashido says while bursting out of her seat and pointing at me. Extra much?

"It is true Mr. Aizawa. He got the whole cafeteria to go back to their classrooms." Aoyama adds on. "I only did what Izuku said to do! It was his idea." I said. I shouldn't be getting any credit. "Uraraka helped me." I added. "But you were the one who got everyone to listen." Uraraka argued.

"Enough!" Mr. Aizawa shouts. Everyone then shuts up and sits back down. "Where is Midoriya and Shinso?" he asks the class. "He went with Hatsume to take Shinso to the nurse. He had an anxiety attack." I explain. "Hatsume?" he questions. 

"Mei Hatsume from the support course. She is in the same class as Izu!" Uraraka answers. "Alright thank you." he said. "Everyone, just.. do whatever but be quiet." Sensei orders. He then climbs back into his sleeping bag while some of the class comes over towards me and Uraraka. 

"Yo, Iida! That was super manly! And how you didn't want any of the credit, that's really manly of you, bro." Kirishima says while patting my back. "I simply did what Izuku had told me. Since he is class rep, I listened, as well as him being my friend." I said. "Izuku told me to inform the other students of what was going on while Uraraka lifted me up." I explain. "Still! That was really cool of you!" Kaminari say excitedly while shoving his fist into the air. 

"Thank you." I said.

Izuku and Shinso then walk in, one seems more tired than usual while the other seems.. off. "Listen up bitches!" Izuku shouts. "Izuku! That is not appropriate!" I scold. He just rolls his eyes and continues. "Now, I am apologizing ahead of time, but I am making my first act as Class Rep!" he announces. "First, if I or Shinso am asleep, do not wake us up unless its after the bell rang. Second, do not and I mean do not call me Midoriya. Call me Izuku. Third, Bakugo is a bitch. And finally, these rules still stand even when I am no longer class rep." he says. Before Bakugo could explode, Izuku speaks up. "Now, I am revoking myself from being class rep and moving my responsibilities to Iida. If you have a problem, I don't care." he finishes before Shinso and Izuku go back to their seats.

"Well that's one way to get everyone's attention." Ashido jokes. I walk over towards my friends and check up on Shinso. "Are you alright now, Shinso?" I ask. He nods before yawning. "Yeah. I'm good now. Thanks for worrying." he says. "No problem." I said. He then dozes off while Izuku is already asleep. "I didn't know that Izuku sleeps." Uraraka says.

"Okay then."

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