Chapter Ten (Aizawa)

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I hear the stupid, annoying sound of my blaring alarm. I groan and hit the snooze button.

About 15 minutes later, someone starts calling me. I just groan again and look over.

'Loud Blonde💛 calling...'

I pick up and put it on speaker. "Hello?"


"Shut up!"

"Sorry buddy! Anyways, you ready?"

"For what?"


"I'm thirty Hizashi. I don't go to school."

"Try again."


"God damn it! I'm the teacher!"

"Good job Sho. You might want to hurry. Or else you'll be late."

"Alright. Whatever."

I hang up before he can say anything else and reluctantly roll out of bed.

I shuffle towards my closet and throw on my hero costume. Just a simple all black jumpsuit with my capture weapon, my yellow goggles, and my utility belt.

I grab my yellow sleeping bag and phone. Then I make my way towards hell-


[Time Skip]

I shuffle into my classroom to see everyone being loud and chatty. It takes 3 seconds before someone notices me. A black and green haired boy. That's the Midoriya kid. He nudged his two friends, a brunette girl and purple haired boy, and nod in my direction. They look at me, on slightly amused, another slightly shocked, and the last unfazed.

After a couple more seconds, I decide to make my presence known to the other students. "Ahem." I fake cough. Everyone quiets down and snaps towards my direction.

"It took you all eight seconds to shut up. That isn't going to do. Hello, my name is Shota Aizawa. Your teacher." I say while climbing out of my sleeping bag. Many looked shocked except for a bi-colour haired boy, and the three students who saw me earlier.

"Pick up a uniform and meet me out on the field." I say while plopping a bunch of gym outfits. I yawn and walk off towards the field.

It takes two minutes for Midoriya to come out, followed by the purple haired boy, Shinso. A minute later, Uraraka, the brunette, comes out. Within the next five minutes, the rest of the class comes piling out.

"Today, we are going to be doing a quirk assessment." I state blandly. "What about the assembly?" Uraraka asks quietly. I huff before staring at her. "As a hero, you don't have time to waste on an assembly. If you feel like going to it, then go ahead and drop out of this class. Understood?" I say.

They all nod, some with slight fear and hesitation in their eyes. Good.

"Bakugo. How far could you throw a ball in middle school without your quirk?" I ask. The blonde huffs and speaks up. "72 meters." he scoffs. I toss a ball in his direction. He catches it while looking at me strangely. "Try again, but this time with your quirk. Just don't step out of the circle." I command. He scoffs and steps inside the circle.

He rubs his hands together and against the baseball before reeling his arm back. He takes a deep breath and launches the ball into the air while shouting as loud as he could, "DIE!"

I have to hold back a sigh from escaping my lips. I look at the monitor and show the class. "705.2 meters. Laws preventing us from using quirks are illogical as it is apart of who we are. Now, lets get to it. I don't have all day. Last person gets expelled." I explain. Everyone visibly stiffens. Good.

The first test for everyone is a 50-meter dash. I notice that a kid with engines in his calves, Iida, Tensei's little brother, does the best which makes sense since he quirk is basically speed. That Midoriya kid also does pretty good. Most of them did good, except that Mineta kid. He was the slowest. But that can be worked on.

The second test was the grip test. Overall, Shoji did the best, with 540.0 kg. Most of the kids did acceptably well. For the most part.

The next test was the standing long jump. Most of the students were able to clear the box with their quirks. Midoriya didn't seem to try that much though.

The next test was the side step. Most did okay. Mineta was able to uses his... balls to bounce back and forth.

The next three tests were simple, not like the previous ones weren't. In the distance run, the students had to run for as long as they could, resulting in Mineta coming in last for that test. Iida and Midoriya ended up being the last ones running to where I had to stop them or we would never get to the rest of the tests.

The seated toe touch was pretty easy for most of the students. The sit ups were slightly harder for some but around the same affect. Most of this was just stamina to be honest.

Then came the last test. The ball toss. Since Bakugo already threw the ball, everyone else has to.

One by one, everyone threw the ball. The people with non offensive quirks did worse than people with quirks like Bakugo or Uraraka. Hell, the short girl ended up coming first since she got infinity. After Shinso threw the ball with a score of 89.6 meters, it was Midoriya's turn. He threw the ball and got a score of 97.5. He goes back to his spot only for Mineta to stop him.

"Midoriya." Mineta growled. "Yes?" he asks, staring at the boy with a bored expression. "Is this test a joke for you?" he glares. "What do you mean by that?" he asks. "What he means you damn nerd, is that this isn't some charity! You shouldn't be here! You aren't even trying! Why the hell are you here, Deku!" Bakugo shouts.

"I got in by passing the exam. Why do you ask, Bakugo." he asks, glaring at the blonde. "You damn nerd! Think you can fucking look down on me!" he shouts while stomping over towards the freckled teen. He activated his quirk, small explosions popping in his hands threateningly.

I activate my quirk and quickly wrap the boy up with my capture weapon. "Bakugo, you shall refrain from injuring another student." I said while glaring at him. He glares back before shrinking down slightly under my gaze. "And Midoriya. You should be giving it your all. Why won't you?" I said.

"Would you say that to someone that's quirkless? No. Why should I?" he states, clearly trying to see how far he can push.

"Midoriya. Use your quirk or you will be expelled from UA right here, right now." I threaten. He stares before sighing and grabbing another ball.

He breaths slowly as I let go of Bakugo who is steaming, glaring daggers at the boy. He then pulls his left arm back and throws. He activated his quick, causing it to go even farther until it was out of sight. I look at the meter to see the score. I show everyone else. "9,999.99." it read.

"There. Happy?" he grumbles. I nod and rewrap my capture weapon around my neck. "Alright. The scores will be shown above." I grumble out while looking at the board.

1st. Momo Yaoyorozu
2nd. Shoto Todoroki
3rd. Izuku Midoriya
4th. Katsuki Bakugo
5th. Tenya Iida
6th. Fumikage Tokoyami
7th. Mezo Shoji
8th. Mashirao Ojiro
9th. Eijiro Kirishima
10th. Mina Ashido
11th. Ochaco Uraraka
12th. Hitoshi Shinso
13th. Koji Koda
14th. Rikido Sato
15th. Tsuyu Asui
16th. Yuga Aoyama
17th. Hanto Sero
18th. Denki Kaminari
19th. Kyoka Jiro
20th. Toru Hagakure
21th. Minoru Mineta

Mineta then started crying right then and there once he saw his score. "You damn nerd! How the hell did you do better than me?" Bakugo shouts while glaring at Midoriya. "Guess you just suck Bakugo." Midoriya hissed out.

Ugh. Teenage drama.

I break up any possible fights by speaking up. "Good job everyone. And Mineta, you're not expelled. Go back to the changing rooms and change. Then go and pick up your syllabus. Welcome to UA's hero course." I say before walking off.

Was I lying about the expelling part? No.

I just saw potential in all of the students. Mineta could actually go somewhere if he stopped acting the way he did towards the girls. I won't hesitate to expel him if he try's anything however. Potential or not.

This year is going to be a long year.

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