Chapter Twenty-Four (Izuku)

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listening to Gay Disney Prince by Thomas Sanders? never

Nothing happened? I expected anything to happen. Just not nothing.

"Wow, you really are cool, Eraserhead." the crusty dusty dinosaur bitch says while tilting his head to look at our teacher. He.. saved me?

Even after I shouted at him this morning? I called him a fake.. Yet he is saving me..?

No, he was probably intending on saving Hitoshi. Yeah. Nobody would save me. You have to protect yourself. If you rely on others, that just makes you weak. Yeah. Father is always right.. Right?

"Shigaraki, a student escaped." the misty bitch said as he teleported next to the man child through a portal of some wort.

I'm shaken out of my daze properly as I watch our teacher get his head smashed into the ground over and over. That crusty bitch is just watching and laughing! I can hear my purple haired floof next to me growl. "I have an idea." I whisper to my little group near me. "Hurry." Hitoshi says.

"Alright. Mineta, I need you to use your balls to get the Nomu's hands stuck behind him. Tsu, you are going to get Aizawa-Sensei out of there. Hitoshi I need you to help Tsu and Mineta with Aizawa. I'm going to take out the portal guy." I explain. Everyone else agrees, determinded to help our teacher. 

Mineta get a couple of his balls ready, waiting for the Nomu's arms to throw back. "Now!" I whisper shout at him. He starts throwing a bunch with accuracy at the Nomu's arms, successfully pinning them back. "Tsu go! I'm going to take misty guy out." I order. She uses her tongue to carefully yet quickly get Aizawa while I get up and run towards the misty guy. "Hey!" I shout, gaining his attention.

"Ah, Akatani. What do you think?" he asks casually, as if his boss didn't almost just kill me. "I would appeciate it if that crusty bitch didn't touch me like that." I sass. "I apologise deeply. Shigaraki! This is the young fellow I was talking about." he called out to the man child. Shigaraki, or man child, turned around and walked towards us. "I was just about to kill you." he ssaid quietly. 

"Yeah, I dont appreciate that." I huff out. Something catches my eye from behind Kurogiri. I look behind him without the villains knowing to see Bakugo's scowl on his face with Kirishima next to him. Kirishima give's me a thumbs up while Bakugo gives me a confused look. I wait until Kurogiri and Shigaraki turn away before seeing Bakugo use a type of sign language that we made up when we were kids. 

He remembered?

'What is happening?'  he signs. 'I am distracting them for Aizawa and some of the students to get away.' I explains. 'me and shitty hair were going to take out misty bitch.' he explains. Kirishima just looks between us, confused. 'You two take him, I'll take crusty dusty bitch.' I sign back. I receive a nod before I turn back around and wait for the villains to say anything.

"So, Akatani, would you like to join?" Kurogiri asked. "What are the benefits?" I ask with a serious face. "Benefits?" Shigaraki asked. "Ya know, if I joined, what are some benefits that I'm gaining. Otherwise you are the only one gaining anything." I explained. They both nod befpre Shigaraki speaks up. "What do you need?" he questioned.

"Can you supply me with parts? I rely on support items." I said. "We can get you that." Kurogiri said, although he didn't sound too sure. As if perfect timing, Bakugo and Kirishima come storming in, aiming at Kurogiri. The man just barely dodges. "He has a physical body!" Bakugo shouts before attacking again. "Deku! Get crusty son of a bitch! Me and Shitty Hair have got this idiot." he shouts at me. I nod and run towards Shigaraki. I kick him square in the jaw before he could command the Nomu to do anything. 

He growls and gets up lunging at me, hand outstretched. He grabbed at my wrist, and the skin started to deteriorate the skin and muscle. I rip my arm out of his grasp and back off.

 In a cracking voice, he commands the Nomu. "Nomu! Get that brat!" he shouts before backing off. I look towards the Nomu who was somehow able to break him arms off, and regenerating two new one. He roars weirdly before charging at me. The Nomu lunges at me and pins me to the ground. I grunt in pain as the Nomu keeps me in the ground in an uncomfortable position.

"Nomu. Kill." Shigaraki commands. Instantly, the monster listens by grabbing my hair and lifting me up before smashing my head into the ground like it did with Aizawa.

The Nomu was about to do it again before someone shouted, "I AM HERE!" I groan in a nnoyance as I realize that the person that the League had wanted here, is now here. Fun. "Nomu, kill that brat!" Shigaraki shouted at the Nomu. I heard a gunshot and look over to see Shigaraki on the ground. He then is pulled into a portal by Kurogiri before they both disappear. The monster on top of me grunts before picking me up and raising me, ready to put me in it's mouth. 

I start to struggle only to stop as more pain starts to spread through out my entire body. Ignoring it, I continue to struggle until a loud scream is heard. 

"YEAHHHHH!!" came someone. I was suddenly dropped on the ground. I didn't make an effort to move as my whole body was screaming out in pain. A wall of cement was placed in between me and the Nomu.

Then a blonde was quickly at my side. "Hey! Deku! Don't you fucking dare try dying on me!"


I feel myself being picked up and look up to see.. Present Mic?

"Hey- ay- th- e" they said but I couldn't fully make it out. I start to slowly let my eyes close, only for Bakugo and Mic to start talking again. I can't make out what they are saying. The next thing I know, I'm in an.. ambulance..?

It's dark. And cold. I can't see. But when I can, I don't like what I see.

Aizawa-Sensei is laying in a pool of his own blood. Dead.

Then Hitoshi is ripped to shreds, the only thing left is his bloody, severed head.

Next I see my Dad towering over me. 

"How are you supposed to follow in my footsteps if you can't even block a simple punch?"

"Heroes don't rely on others. That just makes you weak. You don't want to be weak, do you?"

"Why can't you just make me proud?"

Next I see my Mom shouting at me. "I won't accept my son getting a B."  She hissed out.She raises her hand and slaps me, hard. "What kind of hero gets grades like that?"

"Your father never failed ethics!"

"Stupid! You can't get into UA with grades like that."

The scene changes and shows both of my parents.

"Gay? You can't be gay!"

"My son won't be gay."

"What hero is gay?"

"No hero is so weak like you."

Then total darkness.

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