Chapter Thirty-Six (Monoma)

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warning, this chapter is going to be really shitty

I slip the point headband on and let the others lift me up. "Alright. Everyone get ready. And.. START!" Midnight shouts. Instantly we start running around. 

"Kendo! On your right!" Izuku says quickly. She makes her right hand huge and puts it up as a wall. The other team crashes into it, successfully blocking their attack. "Turn right." I said. They all nod and we start turning right. "Izuku, bands." I said. He nods and with a swish of him hand, the headband comes off of the invisible girl and into his. He hands me the headband and I put it around my neck. 

"Mei, can you get us farther away?" Izuku asked. She nods and turns on one of her weird gadgets. It makes a noise and then she starts to propel us forwards. 

I looked around to see some sparky looking bastard. "What about that pointy haired bastard?" I asked the team. Izuku looked up and grinned. "Go for it." he said. Kendo looked confused while Hatsume had this look of what seemed to be blood lust in her eyes that honestly terrified me. 

Everyone else on the team started to make their way towards him. "Now." Hatsume whispered to me. I nod and get ready to provoke him. As we pass by him, I slap him hard while grabbing the headband with the other hand. 

"Does this hurt? I bet it does. Getting your headband swiped by someone that is supposed to be below you. I bet that hurt. Well, I thought I expected more from someone who is attacked by villains every year. Oh well." I said towards the boy before waving and we run off.

I hear him shouting something but I choose to ignore him. "Did you copy it?" Izuku asked. I nodded as we kept running around. "Good." he said with a scary looking grin. I then see that purple haired boy that Izuku was talking about. I believe Shinso was his name. He is kind of cute..

"That's Shinso right?" I asked to anyone on the team. "Yup." Hatsume says with a small smile. "Alright. Are we avoiding him?" Kendo asks. "We can grab a band then run." I suggest. "Okay. Just don't respond or talk to him." Izuku instructed. "Why not? When were you the boss?" I questioned.

"I'm not. But to activate his quirk, he needs you to verbally respond to him." Izuku explained. I nodded slowly and we started making our way over towards him. "Monoma, use Bakuhoe's explosions." Izuku instructed. I didn't like the idea of someone from 1-A bossing me around, but I complied. 

I then used it which distracted Shinso and his team. He looks at us before speaking up. "So, you must be from that reject class of 1-B." he taunts. Oh how badly I want to just smack him.

I kept my mouth shut and continued on. Hatsume then used her weird boots and diverted his attention off of me. Some tailed guy then tries to swing at us, only to get smacked by Kendo's hand. 

"Okay. Let's go." Izuku said. The other two nodded and we started running away.

Then out of no where, some half n' half bitch and his team made his way over here. He sends an attack of ice our way. Kendo smashes it with her hand, effectively breaking it. He grunts lowly in pain. I look down to see her hand have a jagged piece of ice stuck in it, swelling purple and red around it. It looked like that one episode from SpongeBob where he got a splinter stuck in his thumb, except it's ice stuck in her palm and looks way worse.

I grimace slightly before seeing a hand reach out at me. I duck, accidently head butting with Hatsume. We start reeling back, only for me to be lifted in the air. "Hatsume, Kendo, I need you two to please get a hold of yourselves. When you feel ready enough, let me know and I'll let him down." Izuku says. They both nod and start to regain their bearing. "Monoma, sorry for the sudden decision but I'm going to keep you out of reach until we can properly carry you again." he apologizes.

I just nod and wait for them to get ready. "Izu! My boots are out of commission." Hatsume tells the green and blacked haired teen. He nods before avoiding some of the split haired boy's ice. "We can work with that. Just two more minuets." he said, mainly to himself.

"I can carry Monoma again." Kendo spoke up. "Me too." Hatsume joined in. Izuku nods and they get into position. He sets me down on top of them, only for a pole to start barreling right at us. Izuku then uses his telekinesis to throw the pole somewhere else.

"We need to avoid them for as long as possible." he huffed, out of breath slightly. "Monoma, shoot some explosions at him please." Hatsume said. I nodded and shot some towards the halfie's way. "Alright. Lets run." Kendo said. We all agreed and we ran away.

After almost two minuets of chasing, Ms. Midnight called time. We came to a stop and just laid on the ground.

I didn't bother to look at the placings as I just looked at Kendo in concern. "You should see Granny Kiss Kiss for that." Izuku said quietly. "Granny Kiss Kiss?" I questioned while looking at him weirdly. 

"Recovery Girl." Hatsume explained. "Y-yeah. I will." the ginger huffed out. "Well, you three better do good." she half threatened. I raised my hands in defeat as Izuku copied my movements and Hatsume just shook her head and laughed.

"Looks like we all passed." Hatsume said while pointing at the board. I nod as I see some of who I would assume to be Hatsume and Izuku's friends.

"THE NEXT EVENT WILL RESUME IN 45 MINUETS!" Present Mic announces. I get up and help Kendo up. "Let's go to RG, yeah?" I offer. She nods and waves goodbye to our 'teammates'. 

We start making our way towards Recovery Girl's makeshift clinic as Kendo speaks up. "They were fun, huh?" she said. I just shrug and continue walking with her. "Whatever you say." she whispered to herself.


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