Chapter Four (Izuku)

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Sweet! One exam done, now I've just got the one for the Support Course.

But hey, at least I gained something out of my experience with the physical exam. I gained two new numbers. Hopefully they won't just shut me down. Who knows!

They seem to have a lot of potential. But what do I know?

Anyways, it's currently about 20 ish minutes before the exam starts. I was minding my own business, just listening to music, when I see two kids huddled around a pink haired girl.

Out of pure curiosity, I take out an earbud and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Hatsume. What the hell are you doing here you weirdo." one, a white haired boy said. "Yeah. Your inventions aren't even that good. Plus your quirk is useless." a blue haired girl said.

I stood up and walked over. I casually slung my arm around her shoulders and grinned. "Hey babe. These two bothering you?" I ask. She stares and seems to catch on. "Yeah. Do you mind helping me out?" she says. I nod and give the two a death glare.

They shrink in on themselves. I then create a medium sized flame, unnoticeable to anyone who wasn't looking at us, in a threatening way. "Could you two kindly leave us alone?" I ask with a sweet smile. They quickly nod and leave. I put out the flame and back up from the girl.

"Sorry about that. Thought you could use some help. I'm Izuku!" I said while holding out a hand. "I'm Mei Hatsume! And thanks for the help!" she says while grinning. "Is Izuku your given or family name?" she asks. "Given." I said. She nods. "Do you want me to call you that?" she asks politely. I nod in agreement.

"Okay! Then you can call me Mei!" she says. I smile and nod. We are shaken out of our conversation by the teacher, Power Loader I believe, speaking up.

"Alright everyone, follow me to the workshop where we can hold the exam." he says before starting to walk off, clearing expecting everyone to follow. We did. We ain't dumb. Or I'm not. I think.

We step into a workshop of sorts and are directed to different workbenches. I go and take one which is next to Mei. Sweet! I get to see her in action.

I see those two kids from earlier a couple spots away from mine. I've got an idea that can wait. For now. I look back up to the front and listen to Power Loader. "Alright. Now, I'm going to give you guys two hours to build anything as you please. Once you are done, check it over to try and prevent any and all malfunctions as you are going to have to present it." he explains. Everyone nods and waits silently.

"And begin!" he says. Instantly everyone starts sketching and working. I pull out a pencil and a piece of paper. I start to sketch an idea that would be pretty fun. While most of the kids here aren't spending too much time on their blueprints, I am. I want to put down as much as I can before starting. I'm willing to take the time to make sure that this won't malfunction.

Alright so I may have spent a good 45 minutes just on sketching while everyone else is already building but still. Things like this can take time. I could practically feel the stares that I got when I finished sketching. Good for them. They are just wasting precious time by staring.

You may be wondering what I am building. Well, since how limited time is, I'm just doing something simple. A flamethrower! What makes this flamethrower special, because it needs to be different, is how I'm putting gun powder into a little pouch. When I press a certain button near the trigger, it's going to release some while shooting out the fire, then creating an explosion!

I was a little inspired by someone's quirk I will admit. I'll even give him -43% of the profit whenever I sell these bad boys to pros! Anyways, I could add more if I was given more time. But I wasn't. So, I'm trying to go as fast as I can while making it safe and effective.

"Times up!" Power Loader calls. I grin and wait for my turn. Everyone has to present their project right? So I have an idea of revenge. So, those two kids from earlier were making something super pathetic. A small little car. Boring! One made a car and the other made a little hand. Not creative at all! Like wow.

Anyways, before they have to present their projects, I'm going to get some revenge for Mei. Sure this isn't very heroic but who said I wanted to be a hero?

Everyone is paying attention to some orange haired girl presenting her thing. When the two weren't looking, I used my telekinesis to temper with their stuff. Nothing too big just moving some wires that would make it seem like an accident. Then it was their turn.

Let's just say that when the car exploded in the guy's face was hilarious. Everyone else thought so too as they had also laughed with me. The girl's robo hand actually sadly didn't explode. Instead it malfunctioned and knocked over someone else's project, ultimately destroying it. Thankfully they already presented their work but that didn't stop them from glaring at the girl.

Mei's invention was interesting. It was these boots that has small boosters in it. And they worked too! It was pretty cool. She did mention how they weren't finished and just a prototype of what she's been working on at home but still! It was cool seeing her float like she did.

Now it's my turn.

"Alright. Can you state your name and then explain what you have built." he said, probably already done with everyone's shit. I nod and grin. "Hey! I'm Izuku! What I've got here is my child, I can her the Infernal Explosive. It's a flamethrower with personality." I finish. "Explain your... child." he said hesitantly.

"With pleasure! She can produce flames like a normal flamethrower, but there is a button on the side that adds gun powder into the mix. From there, it'll mix with the fire and create an explosive reaction. I can demonstrate if you'd like." I explained.

"I'm intrigued. Please do." he said. Oh boy is he going to regret that. "But point it away from everyone." he adds. "I can control how much gunpowder I release with this little knob here." I explain while showing him. I twist the knob to level 2, which will create a small explosion. It's default is 1 which is no explosion.

I point it away from everyone at a blank wall. Then I push the button a split second before pulling the trigger. And out comes a beautiful light green explosion. "I can change the colour because of the heat and materials used." I explain once I saw the hint of confusion on Power Loader's face.

"Alright. Thank you. Now that everyone has presented, I want you all to drop off your blueprints on my desk. Leave your projects on the workbench that you used today." he said. I walked back to my bench and set it down. Mei bounces over and starts to examine my child. "Can I touch her?" she asks.

"Can I touch your baby?" I ask with just as much excitement. She nods her head vigorously and hands her baby over. I look at the boots with amazement.

"I loved your presentation, Izuku!" Mei cheers. "I loved yours too!" I exclaimed. "Here." she said while handing her phone over. "Put your number in, then we can talk about different projects!" she says happily. I nod and put my number in. "Cya later Izuku!" she says before walking off with her blueprints.

I gather my own and make my way to the front. "Here you go sir." I said politely. He nods and takes them. "I've got to ask. Is Izuku your given or family name?" he asks. "Given. Why?" I answer. "Just curious." he mumbled. I nodded and walked out.

Time to go home and sleep! Or work on other gadgets. Hm. What should I do?

Who knows!

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