Chapter Twenty-Nine (Eyebags)

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"In a week, the Sports Festival will be held. Use this as your chance to be seen by the heroes that will for sure be watching. This is your guys' chance to show what you all can do." our mummified teacher says. Why is our teacher teaching when he is a walking, living mummy? Why is the school holding the sports festival so soon? So many questions with little answers. I just shake my head and pay attention to the rest of the lesson.

"Alright. Class dismissed." Aizawa-Sensei said. We all pack our bags and get ready for lunch. I wait for Izuku since he's grabbing his notebook to sketch something with Mei. "Aight, lets go!" he says. I nod and we walk over to Uraraka's desk. Iida and Uraraka are ready, waiting for us. "Alright, lets go squad! I want food!" Izuku said. I laugh lightly. Ever since Recovery Girl said that he was malnourished, I told the rest of the squad and we've been keeping an eye on Izuku, calling him more often to make sure. 

A reasonable amount of course since we all know that if we push too much, Izuku is going to explode.

Literally. He would probably build something to make it explode in our faces. 

We walk towards the door, only to be stopped by Bakugo yelling. "Move it extras!" he shouts. We shuffle our way to the front to see what's happening. A bunch of kids from other classes are huddled around our classroom yelling at Bakugo for being rude. And to think, if it wasn't for Izu's help, I might have been one of them.

I shake the thought away and let Izuku drag be through the crowd. I can hear some trying to talk to us, but he just flips them off and continues to lead our group towards the cafeteria. We were out of the crowd when this blonde guy came up to us.

"So you guys are from class 1-A huh?" he said while eyeing us. "Yeah, got a problem with it? If so, I don't care." Izuku spat out. "I'm Neito Monoma, class 1-B." he said while looking up at Izuku. "Don't worry, not everyone is class acts like Bakugo." Uraraka said. He nodded before sparing me and Izu one last look. He walked away only for a ginger haired girl to come up. 

"Hi! Sorry if he said anything rude. he seems to believe that 1-A and 1-B need to be rivals of some sort." she apologized. "He didn't do anything of that sort." Iida said. She nodded and just smiled. "Itsuka Kendo! Nice to meet you four!" she said happily. "Hitoshi Shinso." I hummed out. She nodded and turned towards the other three. 

"Tenya Iida." Iida said while doing his robot movements. He sure is a special snowflake. "Ochaco Uraraka!" she beamed out. Kendo nodded before turning towards Izu. "Izuku." he said quietly. "Alright! Well, I don't want to keep ya'll from going to lunch any longer. It was nice meeting all of you!" she said before bouncing off into the direction that Monoma went.

"She seemed nice." Uraraka said. "Yeah." Iida agreed. I just nod while we all walk towards the cafeteria again. When we get there, we sit down with Mei after we got our lunch. Izuku started talking with Mei about some invention when Todoroki came over and looked at Izuku. 

"Hey Shoto!" Izuku said while looking up from his sketchbook. "Are we going to train today?" he asked timidly. "Sure. I'll be over around 5:30." Izuku replied. He nodded and was about to leave when Izuku grabbed him by his wrist.

A sudden flare of jealousy popped into my head. I'm not sure why, but I just felt so.. jealous. I mean, Izuku is even calling him by his given name. When did halfie over here start getting close with Izu?

"You can sit with us if you want. We don't mind. Right guys?" Izuku suggests. Everyone else agrees while I continue eating. He elbowed me in my ribs so I just squeaked out a small, "Whatever." Halfie contemplated it before ultimately deciding on sitting down. I started to gare daggers at him. 

"Izuku, I didn't know that you and Todoroki-Kun were so close!" Uraraka chimed. "We are cousins so I would assume we are." Izuku replied. I stop glaring at the half n' half bastard and looked at Izuku in disbelief. "You two are what?" I asked.

"His father is my dad's older brother. Cousins." he explained slowly. The gears in my head started processing that. I finally nodded which caused Uraraka and Mei to giggle while Iida suppresses a small smirk.

I glare at them which eventually makes them back off.

"Are you.. jealous?" Todoroki asked while somewhat smirking. "No! Why would I be jealous?" I questioned quickly. "Eyebags, did you think that Shoto and I were dating or something?" Izuku asked jokingly. "Pft. No. Even if you were, why would I care? You are just some stupid dude who keeps bothering me." I replied quickly. 

"Oh. Right.." he murmured. Mei sent me a small glare which I was confused about. Why did he sound sad? He shrugged and went back to his happy demeanor. I shrugged it off as my imagination and we continued with our lunch. The bell rang and Izuku bid us farewell as he left with Mei to their next class.

Uraraka lightly punched me while Todoroki glared. "What?" I question while rubbing at my arm where she hit me. "Why did you have to say it like that?" Uraraka said. "What?" I questioned again. "You don't have to make it seem like you hate him." Todoroki said while still glaring at me. 

"I didn't mean to. I panicked. I don't like him anymore than a friend. But I definitely don't hate him!" I said. They stared before they looked satisfied with my answer. "Okay. Just don't sound so harsh next time." Todoroki said. I nod and we kept walking. Right before we headed in, Iida added something. 

"And we never said anything about you liking him."

With that they walked in while smirking to themselves.

Oh shit.

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