Chapter 2

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3rd person POV

"Let's do this." Y/n sighed as the clock struck 12.
"What do you have to offer me."
Y/n flipped through the different cameras on her tablet. She say Chica by the bathroom (which she thought was weird) and Freddy and Bonnie on the stage. She put the tablet back and looked around the office. After about 10 minutes of sheer absolute boredom (love ya if you know the reference), she looked back at the tablet only to see that Bonnie was right up at the camera.

He. Fricken. Moved.

Y/n was taken back by what she saw so she rubbed her eyes thinking it was a dream until she looked back.

He was gone.

Y/n looked over at the left door and saw Bonnie right next to it. She ran over and slammed her hand on the button. Trying to catch her breath, y/n looked over at the other door only to see a broken/rotting looking rabbit thing.

It starting walking (more like limping) over to her. She backed up only for her back to hit the wall.

"This is it" She thought as it walked closer. "This is how I'm gonna die. Wait,"

Y/n looked over the her right and saw a pipe (don't ask how it got there).
She reached and grabbed it swinging it as hard as she could hitting the thing straight in the head. It fell to the ground clutching its head and groaning. Y/n took this chance to get the heck out of there. She ran passed it only to trip on its leg that it stretched out to trip her.

She fell flat on her face. Y/n ignored the pain of probably a broken nose and kicked it in the jaw. She crawled away towards the door as fast as possible. Almost as she reached freedom, an arm reached around her waist and pulled her back.

"Haha you thought it would be easy didn't you?" It- more like he taunted as she struggled to get out.
"I have the perfect suit for you missy!"

Y/n did something she thought would be useless but it worked thankfully.

She banged her head back into his face and he let go holding his face while letting a string of curses before getting back up.

By then she reached the door and booked it. She could hear heavy foot steps following her as she reached the front door.

As she opened the front door, she a heard faint voice behind her saying "YOU HAVENT SEEN THE LAST OF ME MISS HAHAHAHHA!!"

As she got into her car and started it up she thought one and only one thing.

I quit.

All right y'all here is some info about you.

Name: y/n
Fave color: f/c
Age: 19
Love life: ...

That's all for now!!!
Love y'all!!

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