Chapter 17

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"DELIAH?! Wha-heh-what are you doing there?!" Springtrap nervously chuckled as he shrunk down in his seat.

"What's going on?" Y/n stood up pointing to Deliah and Springtrap.

"Welllll," Deliah started as she slowly walked down from the stairs "Springtrap asked for some pickup lines, and I asked if they were for you, and he said no. I didn't believe him, soooo here we are."

"Is this true Spring- where did he go?" Y/n looked around be he was long gone. "I'm gonna go find him, you stay here, k?"

Deliah sighed. "Fine I'll stay here."

Y/n smiled and went outside. She looked around the house, she even checked the woods, but he wasn't there.

Giving up she walked back inside and went to her room. She reached to the door knob expecting it to open when she twisted it, but it didn't. It was locked.

Noises could be heard from the other side of the door. The door unlocked and opened, revealing Springtrap with his head down, ears covering his eyes.

"Wha- what are you doing in my room?"

"I-uhh" Springtrap grabbed his ears pulling them further over his face.

He brushed past her and ran down the stairs.

What is going on??

Hi!! Sorry this is really short, but I'm lacking motivation to do anything anymore. And no, this isn't the end of the book. I just feel, how do you put it, idk like depressed. For those who do have depression and are reading this are probably like 'well you don't have it so you wouldn't know' your right. I don't have diagnosed depression but I'm feeling like crap. I have eaten a full meal in days, I barely drink water, I don't talk to anyone, it's just been a crappy time for me.

Sorry that was long

Love all of you,


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