Chapter 18

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Here's something that I drew for some one on TikTok^^^


"Springtrap what is wrong with you?" Y/n asked as she chomped down on a piece of pizza.

"Nothings wrong with me y/n." Springtrap hissed through gritted teeth as he scratched at the table it his fingers.

"Why are you two at each other's throats all the time?" Nick questioned as he looked back and forth between the two figures sitting across from the table.

"Springtrap's hiding something. I just know it. He's so sus." Y/n squinted her eyes at him.

"Fine, I read you notebook, happy now?" Springtrap sighed in defeat as he leaned back.

"That's not what I- you WHAT?!" Y/n shouted, standing up slamming her hands down.

"Hey, what else did you think I did in your room, try on you clothes?" Springtrap smirked as he relaxed and closed his eyes "besides, what are you gonna do about it?"

Wrong move buddy.

Y/n launched herself towards him and tackled him to the ground. Nick stood up in surprise and called Deliah to come get Springtrap away.

Nick got ahold of y/n as she fought against him saying how she wants to get her hands around his neck, meanwhile Springtrap just laughed as Deliah gently pulled him away.


"Your right I am one. HAHA!!" He burst out laughing and held his side.

"Well, uh your only DOING THIS BECAUSE YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ME!!" Y/n shouted back.


Springtrap slowly looked up at her and glared. "I. Do. NOT. Have. A. Crush. On. You." He spat but he was clearly lying.

"Umm ok then how about we go to the park, hmm? Ok let's go!" Nick dragged y/n to the door. Deliah told Springtrap to stay here while they went.

"We'll only be gone for a few hours." Deliah said, trying to comfort him

"Agh, ok. Don't be gone for too long."

And off they went!!

Heyo y'all!!! Thank you for the love and support that has been showed!!❤️❤️❤️ if you haven't all ready, check out my TikTok and discord!

TikTok: rachel_the_animator

Discord: RachelSharkk#3577

❤️ love you all,


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