Chapter 6

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Well crap.

I sat there on the ground clutching my phone close to my chest like it would get taken again if I let go (which could happen knowing him). 

"Well? Are you here to hang out with dear old springtrap??"

"No. I came here to get my phone," I started as I stood up looking at him with a death glare. "And then go to-"

You know what? I'm not going to tell him where I'm going.

"Never mind. I'll be on my way now."

I turned around as calmly as possible and tried to speed walk out of the kitchen but he stopped me by grabbing my arm tightly.

"And where you you think you're going y/n?"

"To a boys house."


"My my you ask a lot of questions don't you springy??"

I pulled my arm out of his grasp and walked to the front door. I could hear him coming up behind me, so I opened the door, ran out and slammed it in his face.

I looked over to the house across the street and made my way over there.


"Aww man! Harry why do you have to be so good at this game?!" I asked after losing for a 4th time.

"I don't know Deliah, I was just born with talent." He said flexing his arms.

Knock knock knock

"I'll get it!" I said rushing over to the door before Harry could say anything.

"Oh! Y/n come on in." I said as y/n walked in.
"Harry this is my cousin y/n that's gonna be living with us for awhile. Y/n this is Harry my boyfr- *cough* friend."

She walked over to Harry and shook his hand.

"Ya know," she said "I ship it."


"Me too"

"HARRY!" I said covering the blush that is now spreading across my face.

Knock knock knock knock


Who else did Deliah invite over?

"I'll get it." I said without even thinking. I walked over to the door and swung it open.

Guess who was there.

Good 'ol springtrap.

"Well hello y/n I didn't know you'd be over here!"

Wassup you guys! For those who didn't see the chapter in my other book of random stuff, the picture above is a drawing of human Funtime Freddy that I drew.

Peace out


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