Chapter 12

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Sorry it's been awhile hehe... I'm working on another book I want to post. It's not a fanfic, but when it's up I hope y'all will read and like it lol

Now for the story~


Oh boy, here we go.

The movie started and everyone got comfortable. Everyone except me of course. With a messed up ankle that's propped up it's hard to be comfortable.

If only I could lay down on the couch...

Buuuttt thanks to a certain murder bunny, I can't. I looked at springtrap only to see him quickly look away from me bringing his focus to the tv.

Was he looking at me??? Aww heck no.

I moved around for like 5 minutes trying to find a good position, but alas, there were none.

Maybe I can lay in the floor...


"Deliah... psst Deliah." Y/n whispered to get Deliah's attention.

"What's a matter y/n?~ Can't get comfortable?"

"Shut up you stupid rab-"

"Why are you guys whispering about?" Deliah said looking back at us.

"Nothing to important Dels, just that poor, poor y/n here can't get comfortable."

"No no, I'm fine Deliah nothing to worry about here, I just need to lay down but I can wobble upstairs finish the movie then."

"Nononono y/n just tell spring to move and then you'll be good."

"Ok. Springtrap can-"

"Nope!" He answered popping the 'p' and stretched out further "I'm sure you'll find some other way."


"Come on man, you don't have a broken ankle!"

"Hmmmm no, I don't."

"Deliah, back me up on this."

"Sorry y/n, but I can't change his mind."

What the heck bro!

"Fine," y/n started getting a wonderful idea "I'll just have to lay on you."

What she was going for was for him to refuse and sit somewhere else, but nooo.

"Ok then."

Y/n's eye twitched out of disbelief.

"You're not gonna move? I'm going to lay on you. You don't want that."

"I'm fine where I am, thank you very much."

Now y/n was having second thoughts about this. "You know what, I'm good here too."

"Oh? Or are you too chicken to do it??"

"I AM NOT A CHICKEN!" Y/n whisper/yelled at him, then falling onto his lap. It took a minute, but y/n just realized what happened.

"You used reverse psychology on me, didn't you?"

"Maybe, maybe not." He chuckled while looking at the tv.

"You suck you know that?"

"Yes I do, now shut up so I can't watch the movie or I'll break your wrist too." He whispered the last part so Deliah couldn't hear.

Y/n was about to snap back but decided she wanted to keep her wrist.
By now the movie was almost over and y/n felt tired. She tried getting up, but his arm was on top of her preventing her from doing so. She tried her best to not doze off, but knowing her, if happened anyway.

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