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"I, jake, alpha of the summer moon pack, ban Ivy gold from my pack. Let her live her life out as a rogue! She is no longer welcomed in this pack nor will she ever be!"

I dipped my head to jake.

"I understand alpha, I will leave right away."

I turned to leave. My bow and arrow slung across my shoulder and my morph suit on. It allowed me to shift back into human form with out being naked.

I can't believe they kicked us out! Sara, my wolf, screamed inside my head.

I know sara, calm down!

I sighed and shifted, my paws thumping on the ground as I ran through the woods. My bow and arrows had shifted with me, which quite honestly, seemed impossible but whatever.

The grass was soft against my paws as I ran, the night wind nipping at my fur.

I slowed to a jog, not wanting to waste my energy. I was alone now. I had no one to watch my back, no one to watch. I was a rouge. I was free.

No alpha to control my every move, no pack to tease me, no mate to worry about.

We haven't even found our mate yet! You don't know that you will hate him!

Sara, I don't want a stupid mate!!

My wolf whimpered as I blocked her out.

I could smell the territory line nearing, if I crossed it, I could do whatever I wanted. Quickly I ran over to it and jumped across with glee. Freedom. No pack to bind me down.

I kept running, the moon slowly crawling it's way up the sky. I stopped to howl at the moon goddess.


My head whipped around to the sound of a twig breaking. I lowered myself into a crouch, ready to pounce on whoever was there.

I caught a glimpse of brown hair as a male wolf crept into view. He smelled like a rogue.

Curling my lips back to review my sharp white teeth, I growled at him.

"Your on my land." the wolf snarled.

"You are a rogue, you don't own land." I replied in a mater-of-fact tone.

"so are you." I rolled my eyes. Way to state the obvious smart ass!

"Yah, I love it." I grinned, being able to say that was great.

"Why would you want to be a rogue?"

The brown wolf tilted his head to the side, his ear flopped in front of his face.

"You are free, no alpha to hold you down, no mate to bother with, no pack to defend."

The brown wolf shifted to reveal a brown haired boy, with tan skin and brown eyes. He was quite scrawny, even if his wolf was bigger than mine.

"I'm Jared." he reached out a hand to shake mine.

I shifted and reached my hand out to meet his.


I turned to leave, I had things to do, places to see, people to meet.

"Wait Ivy-"

I turned back to look at Jared.

"I haven't traveled with another wolf for months, I know you hate having to rely on people and have them relying on you, but I would really love your company... If you wanted to..."

Alpha's Rogue (first book in the 'Alpha's Rogue' series) UNDER GOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now