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"COLE!!!!!" My mates scream burning through my brain. Fear exploded inside of me.

Luke! Grab all of the strongest warriors and go to my mate! Sent her or follow me! She's in trouble! I yelled through our pack mind link.

My wolf was bouncing inside of my brain with nervous energy.

By the time I was at the door, I was already shifted. The night wind nipping my white fur. I growled. I should have never let her go out alone! I should have come with her!!

I ran through the forest, branches hitting my side and back, I didn't care, I had to get to her. I had to get to my mate.

Then I smelled the sent of a beach. My beautiful mates smell. I raced down the trail, my paws thumping against the grass.

I heard another scream pierce the air, my mate. Pushing harder, I burst through a bush. Revealing my mate. Tied to a pole with chains the her wrist. I growled at the thought of someone hurting her. I shifted as I walked up to her. Her head snapped up as she heard me. Relief flashed in her beautiful green eyes.

"Dont worry, you will be ok."

I looked down at her hands, shocked cross my face as I saw burn makes.

"What happened?"
I growled through gritted teeth.

"Nothing... Just silver chains"

I looked at her, and I frantically began to yank on the chains in an attempt to get them off.


I turned, then saw them. Around 15 rogues came out to reveal themselves.

I need back up now! I mind linked my pack.

On the way alpha hold on Luke replied.

I would recognize the silver blotched wolf anywhere. He ruined my life.

_____flash back

"Rogue attack!" My father yelled. 4warrior wolves hurried my mother, sister, and I into the strong hold. My sister started crying and I knew I had to get out and fight, even if I couldn't shift yet. My mother used her Luna voice to try to calm my crying sister down.

While my mom was distracted, I crept outside, ran to the bushes and hid. I watched in awe as my father ripped the throat out of a near by rogue. It squealed in alarm and then fell still.

I wished I could fight like that. Then I saw a silver wolf with gray blotches run into the open strong hold. I cursed under my breath HOW THE HELL DID I FORGET TO LOCK IT!!! There were screams, all suddenly cut short and I felt my mothers life slip from the mind link. Every one in our pack felt it, they howled in pain as they lost their Luna. Another cry was cut short. My sister. They killed my sister. Then the silver wolf padded out, his muzzle stained with blood. I looked over at my father, he growled and lunged for the silver wolf, his claw scraping the wolfs eye.

The wolf growled and lunged, grabbing hold of his leg. My father cried out in pain, I ran down the hill, out of my hiding place and launched myself at the silver wolf, pulling his ears back in an attempt to hold on. I looked at my fathers blue eye, full of shock.
Then it dawned on me that I was supposed to be in the strong hold. I was supposed to be dead.

My fathers eyes lit up, hope gleaming in them, until I was thrown off and crashed into a near by tree. My father lunged, but missed and the silver wolf grasped the alphas neck, snapping it in one swift motion. My father, my alpha, lay dead. Killed by a rogue, the same rogue that had killed my mother and sister. I felt the link collapse, just like all links did after the alpha died. The wolf padded over to me, and held me down. I hated that I was 14. I couldn't even shift yet. He pressed a paw to my chest, about to bite down on my neck until John, the pack beta and my best friends father, lunged at the silver wolf, his teeth connecting with the wolves ear, and chasing him away. The rest of the rogues ran after him, howling there success.

John shifted back and put a hand on my shoulder. He didn't say anything, he just sat there. He knew that nothing he could say would bring my family back, fill the hole that was now engulfing my heart, a hole that could only be filled with the love of my mate.

_____end flash back

"Cole... Cole!!" My mates voice drawing me back to the present.

"Wha- you!"

I growled at the silver wolf. He shifted into his human form, his silver hair shimmering in the moonlight.

"My name is Felix connar. It's nice to see you again.... Alpha Cole."

A grin creeped across his face as his posse of rogues surrounded me and Ivy.

I growled, putting myself between him and my mate. He took my family from me, he wasn't about to take my mate too.

I was about to shift until I heard a loud roar coming from the forest. I turned to see my pack running down the hill, standing at an attack position, ready to lunge at my call. Luke leading them. I smiled. Luke looked at me then at Felix. He quickly realized who it was and jumped over to me, his silver wolf stood in a defensive position between my mate and me, and Felix. I felt pride flow through me my beta, and my best friend, was willing to give his life for me.
"What do you want me to do with this... This monster" I was about to say something when Ivy put a hand on my shoulder, she had clearly figured out how to unchain herself.

"Cole... Who is this man?"

I sighed taking a large breath of air. Then I gulped.

"This... This is the monster who killed my parents and my sister."

Surprise surprise!!! Yah I know not very surprising..... Anyways hope you guys like it.... If not that's okay...
Remember to...




Alpha's Rogue (first book in the 'Alpha's Rogue' series) UNDER GOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now