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Awww poor Jared!!! He was my bae... I know you guys don't know him well but you will!!! Anyways enjoy my peeps...

I looked into the bushes to see a beautiful white wolf step out into the clearing. My wolf was jumping up and down.

Mate!! Mate!!

Shut up sara!

But... We found him!!!

I looked at the wolf. His blue eyes piercing my green ones. I growled and backed up, my tail touching a near by tree.

He tilted his head to the side.

"Alpha, what do you want us to do with her?" The alpha turned to his beta, distracted. I turned and ran, grateful for the distraction. My joy didn't last long, I heard paw steps and a low growl as my mate ran after me.

What are you doing!!!?!? Go back to him!! He's our mate! He won't hurt us!!!

You don't know that sara, plus his pack killed Jared, do you really want to go live with a man who told his pack to kill him?!

No... Why did Jared have to die?!

I could feel my wolf get sad again and she stayed quite. I felt hot breath on my tail as my mate drew closer. I wouldn't be able to out run him for much longer.

So I did the only think I could think to do. I ran to a tree and jumped as high as I could, shifting in mid air. My fingers touched a branch and i garbed on, pulling myself up to stand on the branch. My mate did the same and pulled himself up next to me. His blue eyes meeting mine. I jumped off the tree and shifted again, landing with a thud on the grass. I was about to get up when something heavy landed on my back. I turned to see my mate. I shifted, not wanting him to kill me.

He shifted as well and grabbed my arm, pinning me to a tree.

"You know.. I don't like it when something that is mine runs from me." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. I rested a hand on his chest in an attempt to push him away, but sadly, he was a lot stronger than me.

"Well i don't like it when my mates pack kills my best friend."

He stared at me. Shocked. His eyes grew black, his wolf was taking over. I had to hold my wolf back.

"They did what?"

"They killed Jared"

A low growl erupted from his throat. He pushed me back harder into the tree. I felt a pain in my side as something sticky ran down my back.
My wolf whimpered.

Our mate hurt us she cried.

That bitch made me bleed! I growled and he seemed to be pulled back to the present. His eyes a beautiful ice blue again. Suddenly I felt weak. Then it occurred to me what cut me. My arrows. Made of pure silver. When he pushed me against the tree it must have made them break through my suit. I was in deep shit. Even the strongest werewolves can only survive pure silver for ten minutes. It had to be pulled out.

I growled even louder, making him let go of me. I shifted, and ran through the forest. My vision blurred and I couldn't see right. I felt my head run into something hard, probably a tree, and collapsed on the forest floor. This day sucked. My best friend was killed, I found my stupid mate, and now I have pure silver in my back. The only good thing is I can join Jared.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was the frantic paw steps of a wolf and my mates sent. He had come to save me. My wolf was gone, the silver to much for her. I felt myself get picked up bridal style and my me mate scream something to someone. I was going to die because my own arrows stabbed me in the back. This sucks.

Flash back_____

My black hair waved in the wind, the beach sand warm against my soft skin. I looked up to see jake. My alpha.

"Ivy, I know you hate this pack, so I can't have you in it. I hope you know that."

I nod.

"Here's how it's going to go down, I hate you, so you are going to attack me, I'm going to beat you and then you are going to get banished is that understood?"

"Yes jake, you won't get away with thins. Someone will find out."

"Well you just better not tell anybody then or your sister dies."

I felt anger pulse through me.

"Don't you DARE touch her! You wouldn't kill her! You are a monster!"

"Well then, you better get your ass out of my pack."

"I will... Just don't touch her"

I jumped up and shifted, lunging at his throat. If I beat him, I would become alpha. He jumped up, avoiding my teeth, but not my claws. They tore his side open and he cursed. His grey wolf howling.

"You little bitch"

He growled and bit me in the shoulder. I howled in pain. Wolves came running out of the trees, surrounding us. Then lunged at me, pinning me down to the floor, snapping at my ears and tail. I could feel blood flowing down my back and I whimpered. Then a paw was slammed down on my head and everything went black.

Sorry for the shorter chapter... Anyways please




Alpha's Rogue (first book in the 'Alpha's Rogue' series) UNDER GOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now