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I hated leaving Ivys side, especially when she was in such a state. My hands shook with frustration as I heard luke and Liah bicker back and fourth. Quite honestly I didn't care what they were talking about. I know that sounds cruel but I didn't want to be away from Ivy any longer than I had to be. I looked up in the review mirror, the bite mark on my neck was healing.

"Luke! Liah! Shut up!!" Instantly they froze. Fear crossing their eyes for just a second. They were used to it. Ever since Ivy was put in the coma I started to act like I did before I found her.

"Sorry..." I turned to see luke with his head dipped in submission. I rolled my eyes. Of course they had to need me to drop them off at his mates house! Stupid luke! Ever since he and found his mate, all they do is talk. Of course I had to help them tho, they were my best friend.

When i pulled up in Kellys drive way, luke and Liah got out. I watched as luke ran to the door. Kelly came bursting out and smothered him in a kiss. Liah walked out slower. Her head dipped. She had never found her mate. I heard Kelly jump up and down, saying something about her brother coming in town.

I got out of the car, being the alpha, I had to approve of someone knew in my territory. When Kelly saw me, she quickly called out to someone. A tall man came out of her house. His hair was flipped to the side, a brown curl hung in front of his face.

"Cam, this is alpha cole, alpha, this is my brother cam" I nodded and shook his hand. Even tho he was slightly shorter than me, I felt like something about him made him feel powerful.

He was defiantly a werewolf. An unmated werewolf. Liah froze next to me. Her gaze never leaving cam's body. I watched as they met each others gaze, time seemed to freeze.

Liah looked shock, her mouth slightly parted as cam whispered something to her.

All I heard was "....mate" I smiled. Liah had finally found her Mate. Her other half. I watched as Liahs eyes lit up, shining with happiness. Her brother looked shocked, eyeing cam up and down, making sure he was good enough for his little sis.

"Congrats Liah" I smiled as I patted her on the back. Her mate instantly froze, his eyes hardened, probably deciding if he should challenge me or not. I just waited.

He growled slightly but then stopped as his sister slapped his arm.

"Your new and already growling at your alpha?!" She sighed and he stopped. Dipping his head.

"Sorry alpha" I just nodded. He seemed to relax.

"You know cam," I looked at Luke.

"Cole already has a mate... She's in a coma" I glared at him. A growl erupting in my throat. How dare he tell this... This newbie about my mate!

Cam instantly settled down.

"I'm sorry alpha cole. It must be hard" I looked at cam, his arm was slung around Liahs shoulder.

Giving him a brief nod, I returned to growling at luke. Fear flashed in his eyes, he looked down when our eyes met. I sighed.

"Whatever.... I have to go" I turned to leave, feeling there stares burn my back. I could feel shame rolling off of luke in waves. He should know I'm not in the mood.

I jumped in my car and sped off to the hospital.

When I got there, I burst through to doors, running to my mates room. No one bothered to stop me.

When I reached her room, I took a deep breath to calm myself down and walked in. Pulling a chair up the the hospital bed,I took Ivys hand in mine, it seemed so fragile and cold. You could see the silver running through her vain's, trying to find its way out. Her face was pale and I could barely hear her heart. You would think she was dead if it wasn't for the slight rise and fall of her chest. There were tubs connected to her body, pumping stuff into her to get the silver out.

Her raven hair flowed down her pillow like water in a waterfall.her lips slightly parted. Even if she wasn't full of energy, she was beautiful. She was my angel.

Her eyes lids twitched slightly, if I was human I probably wouldn't have seen it.


My heart started beating in my chest, excitement causing my leg to shake.

When her eyes fluttered open to reveal her beautiful green eyes, my wolf howled with joy. Knowing his mate was with him once more.

A look of confusion crossed her beautiful face when she saw me. her eyebrows knit together causing her forehead to wrinkle slightly. It was so cute!

I jumped to my feet, causing the chair I was sitting on to fly backwards and into the wall with a crash. Instantly I froze. I hoped I didn't scare my mate. I looked at her. She didn't even flinch.

Knowing she wasn't scared I ran over to where her head rest on her pillow. Leaning down, I gently pulled her head to mine. I kissed her when I heard her gasp. I moved my lips against hers but pulled away when she didn't kiss me back.

She just sat there, still as a statue. Her eyes were wide in shock. She parted her lips slightly, struggling to find words.

"Baby? Angel? Ivy sweetheart? What's wrong? Your safe now, you know I would never hurt you"

She looked deeper into my eyes. Her green eyes meeting mine. She gulped. Her little hands gripped the sheets on either side of her, crushing and curling them into balls with her fist.

She tilted her head to the side confused. It was kind of like what a dog did when they were trying to remember something. Figures. We were wolves after all.

I looked into her beautiful eyes, they were green but something was different. It looked like a storm was brewing inside of them. Like she was thinking about something. Then, after she took a deep breath, she spoke for the first time in weeks. When she spoke, her water like voice sent shivers down my spine. I smiled. The thought of Her silk voice consuming me.

Then my heart seemed to freeze in my chest. Dread and confusion washing over me when she said something that seemed to feel like an army of 100,000 men were smashing my heart. She locked eyes with me. Then she spoke.

"Who...who are you?"


Next book in the series is called
'Remember me' it is the second book in the 'alpha's rogue' series. Please go read it. Thanks you. Love you guys!

Remember to




Alpha's Rogue (first book in the 'Alpha's Rogue' series) UNDER GOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now