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Important chapter!!!! Please read!!!


"Hey Cole-" I looked up at Ivy, ashamed. I can't believe I hurt her. Her neck had a long gash in it.

What the hell Tom! Why would you hurt her?!

She....she was trying to ch-challenge us!

That doesn't mean you go and almost kill our mate!

He slunk back into my brain, ashamed he had hurt his mate. I looked back up into her green eyes. Was... Was she smiling? I had almost killed her and she was smiling?

"Let's go hunting" her grin widened. I sat there shocked, my mouth open. So... Right after she almost died, she wants to go kill something? That's my mate!

I nodded and her smile grew. She jumped at me, her arms out as she landed on me. Pushing me back into the bed.

"Thank you!!" Her voice filled with excitement. I smiled and ran my hand down her hair.

"Ok angel, let me get ready then we can go" she looked at me eagerly and nodded. I got up and walked over to my dresser. Taking off my shirt, I grabbed a black one out of my drawer and put it on. I could feel Ivys gaze burn into my skin. I smiled and grabbed a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and went into the bathroom to put them on.

When I came out, I put some tennis shoes on and then sat next to Ivy.

"You ready?" She looked at me and grinned, then frowned.

"What are you going to hunt with?" I sighed and realized I didn't have anything. I grabbed a morph backpack so I could put my clothes in when I shift. It would shift with me so....

"Eh I'll just shift."

She nodded and crawled over to the window that was above every bed in the pack house. She pulled it and it swing open. I watched in horror as she stood on the window sill and jumped out. My heart caught in my chest. I swear it missed a beat. Then I ran over to the window and looked out of it. Expecting to find her broken body, after all it was a 3 story drop. What I saw surprised me. She stood at the bottom, waving at me.

She almost gave me a heart attack and she was waving? Sighing, i backed up. Oh god don't let this kill me! I started to run and pushed my hads on the window sill, making me fly out of it. I jumped out the window. Holy shit!?My feet landed against the soft grass with a thud. I cringed when I saw the dirt on my shoes.

"Let's go" I turned to see Ivy already running for the tree line, her hair waving in the wind as she ran.

I bound after her.

"Hey Ivy I should shift, can you wait here?" She nodded, understanding what i had to do. Quickly I ran behind a tree and took my clothes off. I shoved them into my backpack. Then I slung it over my shoulders and shifted. The backpack, like a morph suit, didn't appear on my wolf, it would return when I shifted back.

I padded out into the trees where Ivy stood.

"Ready Cole?" I nodded and we ran. I ran slower so Ivys human form could keep up. To my surprise, Ivy was really fast as a human. We ran in till we got to the territory line. I sniffed around until I picked up on a scent. Then I heard something.

"What do you mean we can't attack today!?" I looked up at Ivy. It was clear she heard it to. She crouched down next to me.

"I told you, you have to wait till Cole or Ivy is alone! We don't want an all out war! We only want to take them down!"
I realized that some one from my pack had betrayed me. That voice... I knew I knew it, just from what?

"That would cause a war stupid" I strained my ears to hear more.

"Well to bad! Tell Jake to wait!"I could feel Ivy stiffen. Some one from her brothers pack was talking to my pack. But who.

"What about Felix? You know how he gets!! "

I stiffened at the name. So a fucking idiot of a brother Ivy had and a monster were working together? But why?

"Felix will wait, he wants his revenge to be perfect! Remember what Coles dad did to him? He wants to do the same to cole, he will do anything to do it, even if it means waiting longer"

"Fine... Ok" with that, the... Well let's call them dead man walking and traitor.

I heard Dead man walking walk away. Then I heard traitor come back into our territory. He was cursing under his breath. I motioned for Ivy to follow me and started to sneak under a bush to try to get a better view. I cursed when I heard him shift and run away. I turned back to Ivy, her eyes were hard, determination flashed through them. When she was thinking, I went behind a tree to shift back, and I put my clothes on. When I came back, Ivy was sitting on a tree root. Her arms rested on her knees and her head was down.

"What's wrong little angel?"

She looked up, her eyes watering.

"I knew him"

"You knew who?" I walked over to the tree and sat next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

"The person from my brothers pack..."

I stared at her. Of course she knew him! How could I be so stupid?

"Who was it?"

She looked up at me, her eyes were filled with sadness.

"He... He was the one who took over as beta... He use to abuse me. My brother had dragged me out side one time and Haydn, his beta, had told Jake that it would be funny to command me not to breath. He did, using his full alpha tone so I had to. I held my breath for 4 minutes before I started to feel weird. I fell over and blacked out. He didn't care. He just wanted to watch me suffer. They left me there after they got my lungs to work, they just left me on the floor. When I woke up, I swore I would kill him." I started at her, rage and anger flowing through me. How dare he hurt my mate? That little bitch!

I could feel her shake as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Hey, hey angel, it's ok... No one will hurt you again" I slowly wiped the tear away from her face.

"Thank you cole" I was about to ask what for but she grabbed the helm of my shirt and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled, I couldn't help it. I pulled her body into mine, one of my hands on her lower back, the other supporting her neck, my fingers intertwined in her hair. one of her hands playing with my hair, curling it around her finger, the other one gripping my shirt near my neck, pulling me closer to her. I smiled as we broke apart to breath.

"Cole...." I looked at her, she was blushing like crazy.

"Yes Ivy?" I couldn't help the feeling of pure love and lust that ran through me.

"I.... I.... I th-think I'm in l-love w-with you"

So hey guys!!!! Can you guys tell me what you think??? Oh and again if you have any more ideas on the cover please let me know! Thanks my bæs!!! Love you😘 remember to




Alpha's Rogue (first book in the 'Alpha's Rogue' series) UNDER GOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now