Chapter 9 - No, I'm sorry

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Matsukawa Pov -

I arrived to morning practice a little bit late today. I almost overslept.

"Ah, look at the bad boy showing up late and all. How cooool." smirked Makki as he made his way towards me.

"Shut up Makki." I yawned, "I almost overslept."

He patted me on the back, "Were you up late or something?"

I stared down at my feet remembering how I laid in bed late into the night thinking about what I did. I really felt awful and I was just saying things about Mei to Sato. They're two completely different people but I couldn't control my emotions in time. I'm terrible. "Yeah, I was up studying for the exams coming up."

"I didn't know you studied." laughed Oikawa as he head over our way with Iwaizumi.

Iwaizumi sighed, "If anything, you're usually the one that doesn't study stinkykawa."

I smirked, "He's a volleyball addict like how I'm a- OOF."

"We are school grounds and we shall not say those sinful words." hummed Makki as he smacked my back.

"Yeah yeah.." I looked over to the first years to see what they were up to. They seemed concerned. "Oi! Yahaba, Watari! Come over here for a sec."

They looked at each other before heading over. I eyed them suspiciously, "Yes Matsukawa San? Do you need something?" asked Watari.

"No? What's up? You two seem off today."

Yahaba gulped, "Uh well, you see.."

"She told us to tell them so just tell them.." whispered Watari.

"What's going on?" asked Iwaizumi.

"Ah, well.. Sato won't be showing up for school for a bit." Yahaba said biting his lips.

"And why not?" Makki asked.

"Because she's laying in the hospital sick.." mumbled Watari.

I stood in shock as the other three second years started asking how and why.

It was my fault isn't it. I was the one that didn't bring her back inside but instead walked away leaving her there.

"What hospital and room is she in?" Oikawa asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Let's all visit her after school."

They all nodded in response and I stood there.

Would she even want to see me? After what I said to her? Should I even go? But if I don't go it'll make me even more of a terrible person.

Makki grabbed my shoulder, "Quit blaming yourself."

I looked at him as he looked off to the side where they were now stretching, "I don't know what you're talking about."

He rubbed under his nose with a finger and smiled at me, "Oh trust me, I know you know what I'm talking about."

"Oi! You two! Get back to stretches!" Coach yelled.


I couldn't focus at all during classes. I felt tired and I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I stayed in my seat for lunch and spent the whole time staring out the window at the sky. It was blue and bright. Clouds seemed unrealistic like it was taken out of an artwork.

It was the second to last class when I received a text message from Makki.

Makki The Man
[insert hospital in Miyagi.]
Room 202

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