Chapter 23 - Carnival and More Friends

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Ayumi's Pov -



Bucket hat?


Backpack with all the necessary stuff in it?



I look down at me bare feet.

I need socks.

After putting on my mismatch socks, because I can't fine a pair, I skipped downstairs.

I'm meeting up with Koushi today! And I haven't seen him in a bit so I'm excited. Apparently he's bringing two of his friends along so I can't wait to meet them.

I got a notification from Watari.

We're going to some mini golf course today
the first years arE taLl.

how lovely
i get to meet new people today !

oh ?

two guys i think

even more guynwhhshzhzn

Watari ?

iwaizumi saw my phone and took it from me to read it
lol he doesn't approve

lol well go tell him i cant wait to meet these fabulous bois

we're talking as soon as we meet
- iwaizumi

gotta blast
✌︎('ω'✌︎ )

I chuckled and looked up to see I was already at the train station. I put my phone into my back pocket so then I don't accidentally bump into anyone.

I hummed as I got onto the train to head to the designated area that Koushi sent to me. I sat on the train and looked around. It's been a while since I went onto the train.

After scrolling through my phone about a couple of minutes, I finally made it to my stop and got off the train. I look around for the silver haired boy.

Just when I was going to search at a different spot some guy came out of nowhere and I crashed into him.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, "I didn't notice you there.."

I looked up to the guy and he had some sick smirk on his face, "Hey, hey.. It's alright. Accident happens right?"

I blinked, "Uhm, yeah."

"The how about we go out for a bit? Maybe some coffee?" he suggested getting closer to me.

I slowly backed up, "U-Uhm, I don't like coffee.."

"What about tea? Don't cute girls like you like milk teas or whatever?"

"I-I'm sorry but I have to go.." but before I could leave he grabbed me.

"C'mon, it's only for a bit."

Suddenly I froze not knowing what to do.

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