Chapter 22 - Crippled

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Ayumi's Pov -

I slowly opened my eyes and winced at the pain that shot through my body. I felt like a tree fell on top of me.

A tree? I do remember a little bit of hitting my head into a tree then hugging one.. I honestly don't know anymore.

I looked out the window and the sun was just setting. It was pretty out. The sun gave a golden color to the sky with a mix of a soft orange.

I blinked a couple of times before sitting up, "I think I have a sky fetish. Is that possible?"

Pain strike threw my head after sitting up for too long.

"Oop, and I'm going down." I muttered laying back down on my bed. I gripped my head tightly closing my eyes, "Owie.."

The door suddenly opened and someone walked in, "Ayumi you're finally awake. Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"Yes Yahaba," I look over to the boy, "I need twenty pain killers."

He sweat dropped, "That I can not do."

I sighed, "Well dang it."

"I'm guessing you're in a lot of pain?"

"How hard did I fall?"

"Erm.. You became friends with a deer and a bunny."

I stared at him, "No way.."

Iwaizumi popped his head in next, "Hey Yahaba, dinner is- Oh! Ayumi!"

"Heyy Iwaizumi San." I grinned as Yahaba slipped out.

He came over by my side, "You had us all worried you know. Even the trash bag was saying your name."

"Eh? Oinkawa calling me by my actual name?" I choked on my spit.

"I heard my name?" Oikawa slid into his room, "Bunny Chan! You're alive!"

"Now I wish I was knock out a bit longer." I rolled my eyes, "So I don't have to see you."

The boy put his hand over his heart, "Bunny Chan so mean!"

"Leave shittykawa, you're probably giving her a headache. If anything you're giving me a headache." Iwaizumi shook his head frustrated with his friend.

Oikawa pout, "But Bunny Chan-"

"Just leave!" both Iwaizumi and I said.

He crossed his arms before stomping out, "Fine, I'll just eat all your food then!"

"You do that and I'm not going to give you mercy anymore." Iwaizumi scolded.


I look over to Iwaizumi, "You should go down and eat with the others. I'll be fine by myself."

He turned to me with a soft look, "You sure? I can stay for a bit longer."

I nodded my head, "I'm not a kid. I can take care of myself."

"Alright if you say so." he chuckled, lightly patting my head, "If you need anything just call us okay?"

I hummed in response and watch him leave. I close my eyes and stayed like that for a while. I tried to remember what happened but all I could remember are trees. And a moving tree?

I opened my eyes back open and stared at the ceiling. I was wondering what exactly did Yahaba mean when I became with a deer and a bunny. Am I an animal whisperer now?

I gasp, "Oh my gosh.. I'm an animal whisperer now."

I look around the room to see what I could do in the meantime while everyone ate. I grab my phone to check if I had any notifications.

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