Chapter 33 - Takumi Sensei

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Ayumi's Pov -

I yawned as I rested my head on my arm right arm as I iced my head with my left arm. The classroom was more lively now that people made more friends and everyone is getting into the swing of things.

"Ayumi?" I looked over and see Watari heading over my way to his desk that was next to mine, "What happened?"

I pouted and got up from my laying position and turning my body towards him, "Matsun bonked my head this morning because I wouldn't wake up. But he did it too hard and now there's a bump on my head."

Watari snickered, "Maybe you should sleep at a more proper time rather than three in the morning."

"Listen, apple pie wanted to one v one in Monster of Medieval. I can't just turn that down." I huffed. (The game is kinda made up bc yeah lol)

"Apple pie?"

"Ah, it's an online friend I made in middle school. But we just play games together. Occasionally with his in real life friend too." I said.

Watari shook his head, "Online friends aren't safe you know."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever mom."


"Ah- Wait-"

He was about to smack me when the teacher spoke, "Alright class, we will be having a welcoming ceremony this morning. We're just waiting for the student council to set it up then the first years will be heading out first. Then we will head out. So go to the bathroom now if you need to."

I raised my hand, "Takumi Sensei!'

He sighed, "Yes Sato? It's Goda Sensei." He mumbled, "How many times do I have to repeat myself."

"Are we allowed to meet up with the other classes our year?"

He raised an eyebrow at me, "What makes you think I'm going to say yes?"

I sweat dropped, "Erm... Please?"

"Even if I say no, you'll always find a way." He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "There really isn't a point with even keeping an eye on you anymore. Just don't get caught."

I beamed, "Yes sir!"

Watari shook his head for the second time this morning as I dragged him out to go look for Yahaba, "You really are something else Ayumi."

I tilted my head slightly to the side, "What do you mean?"

"I mean even Takumi Sensei is done with your bullshit sometimes."

Who knows why but it took me a minute to process what he just told me. "H-Hey! That's not true! He just likes me!"(not like thAT, gRosSSsS) I frowned, "Plus it's only the second week of school, so he can't be that over my bull shit right?"

"I mean.."


"Ah, I see you two are already arguing this early in the morning." I turned to see a yawning Yahaba.

"Look it's a wild Yahaba." I said pointing at him.


"Let's catch it." Watari nodded.


"Here I have this apple, we can pretend it's a pokeball." I pulled out an apple from my pocket."

Yahaba starts to panic, "Ayumi? Why do you have an apple?"

"Good good. We need to weaken it first." Watari said stepping forward.

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