XXII | What Do You Like About Me?

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After that whole wedding fiasco, the girls, Namjoon, and Bambam decided that they should just send Lalisa on Earth to just rent a place temporarily, just until everything that happened cools down.

And now, Lalisa is in Earth, trying to live the human life . . . temporarily.

Bambam has a lot of work to do, considering that he just made Ares fall in love with Aphrodite (his grandmother, apparently).

Yoongi has to deal with Sehun and hypnotise him. Thankfully, Hades and Persephone agreed on erasing Sehun's memories yet again.

Jisoo had to stay in Mt. Olympus for a little while longer, being one of the leaders of the Galère, she had some responsibilities stacking up along with Namjoon and Yoongi.

But of course, they will not inform Lalisa of her sudden position just yet. Even if Lalisa's a strong goddess, she still needs to heal from everything that happened.

Actually, Lalisa just told them that so she could get an excuse to leave the place and avoid any work to be done. She's been through worse. Worst, even. That didn't even cover at least a quarter of what she's already been through before.

And now, Jungkook was feeling anxious.

Right after confessing that they like each other, then what?

Are they an item now? Are they together? Jungkook doesn't really know. As soon as they've arrived back in Mt. Olympus, Jungkook was about to ask her about the real score in between them, but ended up being intervened by Namjoon and Bambam who were hella worried for her.

Namjoon, he understands. Bambam? He doesn't. Let us not forget that Jungkook still doesn't know that Bambam and Lalisa are cousins. Bambam doesn't actually plan to tell him anytime soon, for entertainment purposes.

Showing off his grumpiest face yet, Jungkook storms out of his room, only to see his hyungs jamming to a random song with Jimin playing a guitar. Jimin immediately stopped playing, and the others stopped singing as well.

"Why the long face?" Taehyung asks as he closes his book shut, his brows lifting up at the younger.

Jungkook heaves an exasperated sigh as he motions his hyungs to proceed, however, they begged to differ. Instead, by the mere eye contact from each other, they already understood that it's best to hear the youngest out.

"Come here, Jungkook-ah," Jin calls him as he scoots a little to the left, creating some space in between him and Yoongi. Yoongi pats the space for Jungkook and also motioned him to come.

Jungkook, knowing that there was no use to decline, simply sighed and groggily made his way to the couch and sat in between Jin and Yoongi, the rest of his hyungs looking at him worriedly.

"You seem to be upset," Namjoon points out, drinking his fifth consecutive wine glass.

Jungkook averts his gaze onto his hyungs who were looking at him attentively. "It's about Lalisa," Jungkook murmurs as he darted his eyes onto his shoes.

Namjoon chuckled. "Oh, Lalisa, what about--wait a minute, what?!"

The rest began to gawk at Jungkook, leaving him confused. "What?" Jungkook asks.

"Y-y-you just uttered her name casually!" Hoseok pointed at him, gawking.

"Yeah, so?" Jungkook arches an eyebrow.

"Your spine didn't chill?" Yoongi asks. At this, Jungkook just shook his head. "Oh, so she loves you?"

"Hold up!" Jimin then stands up, scratching his head. "All this time, that's what it meant? If your spine doesn't chill when you mutter her name, it means she loves you?"

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