Good meets Chaos II

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Izuku POV
He walk around the corner, I was shocked that he looked like me, same clothes, same hairstyle, everything. He was dancing, before turning to me for the last time.

Y/n: What do you think?

Me: You just look like me.

Y/n: If you want to try something different I could do this or we could wear the two suits I brought.

Me: I don't want to be rude, but how do we get out?

Y/n: Through here, let me take you out for lunch.

He walk back to the same corner, I walk around the corner to see an empty hallway with a door, he opens the door. I was about to step forth, but he closed it. He pulled out a gun and aims it to me.

Me: What are you doing!?

Y/n: You know, the whole time of our reunion. You haven't smiled. That is all I want.... just smile.

I did a fake smile and he smiled.

Y/n: Bang...

He pulled the trigger, I immediately rush towards him, but by the time I was in front of his face, the gun was fake. A little flag that says "Bang!" was pointing towards his face, he only laughs.

Y/n: Ahahahaa..

He opens the door, put his arm out and smiled. I stepped outside to see that I was in my homecity. It wasn't too far from where I was taken. Y/n walks outside, I look at him and I got a closer look at him.

Me: Do you know what happen to us when we were younger?

Y/n looks at me and he begin to think.

Y/n: When we were born... Our parents didn't have any money to feed and raise both of us. So they give me to a caring family on the other side of the world. When I was eight, I wanted to be a comedian, wanted to make people laugh. However, they made me out to be a clown, so I did become a clown.... that's where I realized... They were laughing at me, not with me. It was the best day of my life when I found out that I had a brother... for once, in my life. I finally found a friend. And it looks that way. During those years, I developed a habit of smoking.

He turn to me and smiled, passionately.

???: Izuku! I finally found you!

We look to see Ochaco, she stops and looking at use, back and forth.

???: Izuku?

Me+Y/n: Yeah?

We look at each other, I frown, this is about to get confusing. He smiles, and we turn back to Ochaco.

Me: I am Izuku, and he is my long-lost twin brother. Y/n.

Y/n: I want my name to be Joker.

Ochaco: Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Likewise.

Ochaco: I couldn't even tell a difference between you two.

Y/n: I was bringing him out for lunch, do you wish to come?

Ochaco: Sure.

We went into a restaurant by Y/n's choice, we take a seat near the window.

Y/n: I went to this place all the time. It is really good.

3rd POV
Izuku: I will be right back, restroom.

He said, before leaving to the restroom. Ochaco turn her head to Y/n.

Ochaco: What was your childhood like?

Y/n: Well. I was born in a family.... They didn't want me, so they sold me to a family living southwest. It wasn't far, but it took me awhile to get here. Between those years I made a little hobby, being a clown, bringing joy to children. But.... they didn't appreciate, so I quit and left that city. While I was searching for a home, I heard that I look like someone from here. So I go from there to here, and they were right... he is my twin brother they are talking about.

Ochaco: Did you know why they sold you besides money?

Y/n: Well...

Izuku comes back and Y/n didn't say a word after that. After they ate, which Ochaco and Izuku didn't enjoy, but Y/n liked the food. They were walking before.

Izuku: I think this is where we depart, Brother.

Y/n: Yes, it may seems. I will wait for you and become a hero like you.

They say their goodbyes, Y/n was walking across the city, putting on a smile, he turns around a corner to an alleyway. He can feel someone following him, he takes out his last cigarette and light it up. He turns around another corner, a person turns around a corner and he blow smoke in front of the person's face. He laughs, suddenly he gets punched in the jaw, he falls down and there was stairs just around the corner, so he fell down the stairs. He gets up, the male walk down the stairs, he turn to run away, but he got pushed. He lays there as the person lands his foot on his stomach, he gets on top of Y/n and started punching him.


The male fell down as blood was on Y/n's clothes. Y/n danced in front of the dying male, he was scared as he pulls out a gun. Point it to his head and leans in, where he smiles.

Y/n: I am one of the good guys, this is okay, right?

Male: PLE-

He fires, until the chamber is empty. He drops the gun, he smiles and put his hands to his head.


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