Deku Vs. Joker

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All-Might: That kid....

He is looking at a camera of a Deku-alike with makeup that is robbering a bank, his smile is indefinable.

All-Might: Is dangerous... I'm getting a sense that....

Aizawa: Obviously he isn't dangerous, robbering the bank? Generic villain stuff.

All-Might: But what if he is affiliated with those villains? What will we do?

Aizawa: Capture him, it does look like he is quirkless. Using a gun and stuff, sure a gun is dangerous, otherwise he isn't no threat.

All-Might: But we shouldn't underestimate him.

Aizawa: True, however, he does look very like Izuku. Do you know about this?

All-Might: Sadly, no. But I'll talk with Izuku.

All-Might stand up, before leaving the room. Deku and the others were on a mission, the details told them that disappearance occurred around the abandon construction site. They arrive, it was at dawn, when they enter. It look like it came from a horror movie, it was dark, people was lying across the floor. They all were smiling and dead. The most brutal detail about it was they all were missing body parts. They heard something above, they look up to see a figure running.

???: CASTING BADASS VILLAIN ENTRANCE! WELCOME, GRAPE-HEAD, TWO-FACE, uhh.... Oh yeah! LOUD MOUTH, and especially my Brother!

Joker jumps down, before looking down at them. Shoto look turn into an angry one, Oracho is in utter confusion, Izuku is also confused. Minora is scared, while Katsuki is shock to see two Deku-alike. But he isn't really surprised though.

Joker: Ha! It's about damn time! Deku, I have been waiting for you!

Deku points at Joker.

Deku: I'll deal with you later!

Joker: *confused groan*

Deku: We must stop the villains from kidnapping any more people!

Joker: No! I want to fight you now!

Deku: No! I have to stop whoever is kidnapping these people!

Joker: Hmm, typical Deku. Be on your way then.

They were confused, Deku thinks about it.

Deku: You all go, I must have to deal with my match.

Katsuki: Don't tell me what to do!

Katsuki charges at the Joker, he saw something that made him change directions, he saw a reflection. Like a mirror, he looked back to see the Joker standing across the floor. He punches him, however, it turns into glass.

Joker: A Loudmouth like you should really think first.

Katsuki look back to see him standing there, someone walk next to him from behind, it was himself, the Joker. Katsuki growls, before charging towards the two Joker. They all smile in sync, the glass breaks and Katsuki yells as both of the Joker is standing in front of Katsuki.

????: Shall we get this started, Brother?

Deku look to see another one, smiling at him. He look back to see Katsuki battling the two Jokers. Deku look back at the Joker, who is smiling at him. Dark lines appear on Deku's body.

Joker: Now let's get this started shall we!

Deku: What do you got what I don't have!?

Joker laughs, as he look at Deku with an expression that he isn't threatened at a slightest. Another one appears above a floor, Deku look back down to see him gone. The Joker smiles, before rising a hand.

Joker: I was born with a quirk!

He swing his arm, Deku is confuse but look to see a few pipes heading towards him. He dodges, but got hit on the back. Deku groans, as the Joker swing his arms around. As dozens of pipes, tools, and even nails was going aroung the area. Deku was suddenly launch forward into the spinning chaos, Deku tries to stop himself.

Joker: Oh no, you don't!

Suddenly, the tornado of spinning dangerous objects stops, as Deku was immediately launch towards Joker, he look up to see Joker with two knives out. Deku pull in for a punch, as they were about feet from each other. Joker swing his right arm, Deku's readied punch was suddenly off balance. This resulted Joker spinning around, landing a slash on Deku's abdomen and a stab at his back. Deku screams in pain, as the Joker laughed. Deku jumps a few feet away from Joker, as Joker mockingly laughs.

Deku:(If this is how it ends.... then so be it!)

He jump towards Joker, ready to punch him. The Joker embraces it as he put his arms wide out.

Joker: That's it.... kill me....

Deku yells as the Joker's eyes widen.

Joker: KILL ME!

Deku purposely miss, Joker looks back as Deku broke a wall. He looks back at him, Joker pull out his knives as he charge towards Deku. Deku got out of the way as Joker throws his knives, before pulling out a crowbar. Deku easily duck below the thrown knives. Before punching Joker in the face, but he kicks Deku in the stomach.


Deku: Give up, Joker. You're done!

Joker swings, Deku ducks and uppercuts him. He jumps up, Deku kicks Joker in the chest, he flies back as he laughs. He lands and got up.

Joker: I think we were meant for this... Brother. An immovable object meets an unstoppable force. Huhuhu~ Hahaha..... AHAHAHAHAHAAAHAAHHHAA! AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Suddenly Shoto came from behind, freezing his back. The Joker starts floating, because of Ochaco, but a huge ice piece is still on his back.

Joker: I'm flying! Hahaha! You all can suck it! I can fly-

Joker gets punched by Katsuki.

Katsuki: Shut the fuck up!

Then Katsuki use his Quirk, exploding on the clown's face. Katsuki smirks and jumps down. Katsuki pop his neck, then turns to the students.

Katsuki: That clown is a big pushover.

He then focus his attention to Deku.

Katsuki: Now, explain...

Deku: I have a lot to explain, I know, but make sure he is okay.

Katsuki: No! Explain why does he look like you, explain why didn't I saw him when we were little!

Ochaco: Yeah, what happen to him? Why did he attack us?

Suddenly, a blade was thrown, slightly cutting Katsuki's face.

Joker: Do you think you are all heroes? Do you think you all deserve to be called a "heroes"? No! That's the whole punchline!

They look to see the Joker, but his body slowly crumbles away. Showing flesh underneath, bits and pieces of it. Even the hair falls apart.

Joker: Just because you call yourself a hero, doesn't mean you can do heroin things! Sure, you do good deeds! But at the end of the day... almost everyone does good deeds, thus making you useless.... Everyone has done sinful things, it drives them crazy years later~! Tell me why if you do these things, why are there still worldwide problems? Aren't you all supposed to have a common goal to make the world better?... And that's the joke of it. *chuckles* Until we meet again, Izuku.

The body falls apart. Deku is thinking on how he survived, and so is Shoto. Because he remembered that he fell off of a building. Deku look up at the top of the building, to see a figure looking down at them and then leaving. They soon exited the building, after searching the building.  There was nothing but tools left behind, and wood for construction.

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