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3rd POV
In the nocturnal night, Y/n is sitting at a bench, a man walks up to him, he look to see a man who is fairly tall, pale young man of a slim, somewhat-lanky build. His most striking features, however, are undoubtedly the patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin that cover much of his lower face and neck, all the way down past his collarbone, below his eyes and on his arms and legs. with bandages on his arms, and what it look like to be burned marks on his face. He ignore him, as the man sits next to him.

???: Kid, I am just going cut to the chase. Someone with power is interested in you, wondering if you would like to be in our group.

Y/n didn't answer, he hear the man groans in frustration.

???: Hey, I'm talking to you, dammit!

Y/n look at him, before clearing his throat.

Y/n: What did you say?

???: Do you know who I am?

Y/n: A guy that look like he has some rare skin cancer? Or rotted burnt flesh that was sewed back on?

???: ENOUGH! Look, I am giving you a nice offer. You work for... and associate of mine, your dreams come true. Like, work for me.

Y/n: Why would anyone work for you?

???: Because!

A voice from behind, Y/n didn't look as a hand grab his neck and a blade was place against his neck. He looked to see a female, she smiled, revealing large canines.

???: Why not?

His heart beats, he gulp. Before looking back to the man sitting next to him. He thinks about it, but....

Y/n: I'll think about it.

???: Hmm... Well, that's not an answer we are hoping to answer, but neither is not hearing the answer we don't want.

He stand up, before turning to leave.

Dabi: Dabi. If that is the name you were wondering.

Y/n: I wasn't, but..... thanks.

The girl put the blade away, before walking away with Dabi. He watches them walk away, before staring at the night sky. Then he closes his eyes.

He was at the academy, seats was facing the windows. It was only him and Izuku? He was facing away from him, considering he is sitting in front of Y/n. He got up, walking behind Izuku, he places a hand on his shoulder. Izuku's head turn to see his face full of face paint and that sickly grin. Y/n steps back as he got up, it wasn't Izuku, but his nightmare.

Y/n: N-No, get away!

This only made the Joker slowly approach Y/n. He pushes Joker, as he laugh and grab him, looking deeply into his eyes.

Joker: Why fight it? You'll only making me enjoy within every struggle, every attempt to stop laughing..... it's like a poor punchline that is waiting to hit at a right moment. Why would you think Father abandon you? Without me, you couldn't possibly get here. So what make you think that without me, wouldn't make you happy.

Y/n: What..... what about my brother? Would he be happy? Can I be happy?

Joker: You think I would make you happy... come on now, you ENJOYED killing those people. Hahaha~! Let me go inside you. But.... You're just scared that your brother will see you this way. Afraid that he will push you away. Ignoring every plead you say, and will be out of your life forever.

Y/n turns around, looking sad as he look at the ground.

Y/n: I can't just... let our work go to waste. Father was right, I am a worthless faggot.

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