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Joker: "Thanks, Masky for the assist."

Black Mask: "Any longer and my arms would've been numb."

Joker: "Now that they think I have that Quirk, my plan is only according to plan."

Black Mask: "What's the next phase of plan?"

Joker: "Before I came to the League of Villains, I might've left a surprise to a few hospital thanks to a few of the people who were willingly going to help us. I killed Leaser, he was an upcoming villain, but he lost a round of Poker because of a Joker."

He chuckle at his pun, Black Mask look throughout the window, seeing they're at the League of Villains HQ. They got out as Toga and Dabi were there.

Joker: "Need to see the King of Handjobs, and see what else he has us planned for the time being."

Toga: "Handyman doesn't want to see you right now."

Joker: "Hmm... Very well, I better get my ass moving now."

Joker and Black Mask turn around to leave-

Dabi: "Wait... just a second."

Joker: "Hmm?"

He turn around, Dabi walk up to Joker. They stare each other for a moment, before Dabi slaps Joker by the face.

Dabi: "That's for stabbing me on my back."

Joker: "Come on, Dabs. I didn't betray you yet."

Dabi: "What are you talking about?"

Joker only laughs, before entering.

Joker: "Just you wait...."

Black Mask enters, before they drive off.

Black Mask: "What are we going to do with the heroes? What if they interfere with the plan?"

Joker: "Every hero know when to take their fall... Not because they don't have the power, they know how to follow the rules. Because right now, it is a game to see who survive the longest. The mind is fragile if you hit it right. So my plan right now is to hit the bank, while you do your thing for now. This is where we depart ways for the time being. Now let us play this game of life." *laughs*

The scene cuts to black, before a sound of alarm can be heard. In the bank, a single person wearing a clown mask walk out of the bank. He saw the police along with Izuku, Katsuki, and Ochaco. He removed his mask, making them gasp.

Joker: "I surrender! I don't want to play anymore! I'm done!"

Izuku was skepical, but he was rising his hands up in the air. One of the policeman went to grab him, moving him to the car.

Katsuki: "Ha! I finally put that clown into a cell! He knew he had to face me!"

Joker: "You win this time, Deku! But when I grab your friend, she won't be alive."

Deku watches as Joker was taken away to the police station, Deku wonder why on what he took so long. Why did he mention Ochaco? And why didn't he use his Quirk? Too many question process in his head, when at the station, the policeman remove the bag to see stacks of cash and other weapons. Joker watch the crowded police force surrounding the table of where his bags were.

Joker: "Can I have my phone call?"

Policewoman: "Shut it, Villain!"

Joker: "But I want my phone call."

The Policewoman walk up to the chained up clown, where she unlock the cell. The Police Force finds dozen of weapons, pistols, rocket launcher, and a few knives. They suddenly heard shouting as they look to see Joker free, and holding the Policewoman with a pistol up to her head. They all pull their guns to them, asking them what he want. His response:

Joker: "I just want my phone call...."

The policeman slowly throw a cellphone into his hands, Joker opens it while licking his lips. Suddenly, explosion is heard, some look to see the same crowded police force has been killed. He pull the trigger, killing the policewoman and pushing her aside. He then started to look for a place to broadcast his message...


People who were just walking down the streets were abruptly interrupted by the television and screens around them changing into what it appears to be a circus like background with a clown in front.

Joker: *Mimics All-Might's Laugh* Ha-ha-ha-ha... He-ho-ha-ha-he-he.... I imagine a world without heroes... It would be so boring... I do believe this world deserves a better class of criminals. These.... villains, I would like to say. I am not like them, not searching for the perfected world they all want. In your eyes, they are deranged people who seeks for power; in their eyes, they are people who are below all of you. To me... that doesn't matter, I see all of you who seeks for power because you all are below of some being. Deep down, the most... harden villain is starving for the same motivation of a baby... they pretend to try so hard to be this... hard bad guy. But when in reality, he is a baby with no love. So don't hate him, send him love letters. Now, to my main point. And that is the heroes... if I don't have the UA High School Grapehead... And AHEM! *Izuku's Voice* Kacchan! *laughter* Doesn't die within at least six hours, seven hospitals will be gone. Starting now..."

The people heard an explosion, and that where the chaos finally started. Some people were instantly called the UA, others were more consistent and offer a different solution. This resulted in the madness. Others call this a bluff, but others were quickly to disagree. The Heroes immediately went to the hospital, as small groups were at the UA, causing a riot. Students were given a mission to search for the hospital, while helping the people move out of the hospital. They all were split up to search for the bomb in each hospital, Ochaco was wondering in a hospital, she feels an eerie feeling in the air. Until she saw someone running across the hallway.

Ochaco: "Wait! You must come with me!"

She yelled, following Ochaco chasing the individual. However, a cloth immediately was wrapped around her face, making her passed out. All she heard next was the faint laughter. The Heroes return back, leaving the passed out Ochaco behind.

She slowly wakes up, she was in a dark room with her body chained to the table. She saw someone approaching her, the Deku with Clown Makeup.

Joker: "Morning~."

Ochaco: "W-What? No! Release me!"

Joker: "Why? We'll have so much fun time together! How much time will they forget you? I'm going to say an hour, since they always ruin the fun. So we better make this quick."

Joker was touching her, tearing bits of clothing off of her, to reveal her neck.
Joker bite down Ochaco collar and neck, she squirms and is crying. He stops when a row of hickies is on her neck. He gets onto the table.

Ochaco: "N-No! Stop! Please! GET AWAY!"

The Joker grasp Ochaco thigh, as a grin can across his face. Her eyes form tears as she whimper, she tried to escape, but the restraint was too strong. He cut her costume, until she was nothing but her bra and undergarments. He yank her bra, making her yell out in pain, before using his knife to cut her undergarments. She is now nude, the Joker slams the knife down on the ground. Then the painful screams, the fearful yelps, the pleading cries filled the room. It only took an hour for the UA to track them down, but when they got there, they saw one of the most horrifying thing they ever seen. They only saw a naked Ochaco, her wrist was chained up, as does her neck and ankles. Her body was badly bruised, and her face is full of makeup, Ochaco only stare at the ceiling, as if she is lifeless. They wrapped her in a blanket, Izuku arrived when Ochaco was put into a car.

Izuku: "Ochaco!"

Shoto waa holding him back.

Izuku: "Let me go! I need to see her!"

Shoto: "I think it is best if we let her rest."

She didn't look, but only just looked lifeless. Izuku was horrify about the details upon telling him, she wasn't just tortured, but she was raped and mentally tortured. If any torture would've gone any longer, she would've break. Izuku clench his teeth, his fist slams into a wall.

Izuku: "You'll pay for this!"

While this is happening, Ochaco mind is filled with disgusting and horrible memories and the neverending laughter of the Joker.

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