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Joker and a couple of hired people is sitting in a dark room, they were counting money from the last job they did. It has been a few weeks since Joker and Ochaco met. Joker came in, carrying something.

Joker: "I am very appreciative for you all, you guys worked so hard for this job. With that, I thank you... So that is why you will be eating my Mother's Cream Lime Pie."

Street Goon: Aww, sweet!

Street Brute: Yes!

The two street goons eat the lime pie, the goon offer him a slice, Joker politely deny as they eat more. However their mouths started to foam as Joker went to gather the money. They started to fall as their stomachs started to burn, Joker watches as he slowly walk out.

Joker: "I surely want a piece, but I have plans to blow up some buildings before the end of the day... See you all later!"

He laughs as he escape the building, elsewhere, two hospital has been blown up while the rest was saved. Needless to say, this wasn't his whole plan, it was only a distraction. For the ones who failed to kill the two heroes he wanted killed? He didn't care what happened to them, if they die. Great, if not, it was no big deal. It did create chaos though. For his friend, Black Mask, he is during what he does best, lead an underground criminal group. Joker think he should work on his group, but there is one more place he need to visit before he go and create one. Joker was looking at Tomura, Joker mildly laughs as Tomura slowly approaches him.

Tomura: "You know what your actions caused us, you dumbass?"

He begin to scratch his neck, Joker pulls out a gun before pointing at Tomura.

Joker: "Oh, no-no-no, Handyman. This isn't the time for fighting, this comedian didn't start his session yet. So sit down and be quiet!"

Tomura grab his hand that holds a gun.... where it started turn into dust. Joker only laugh, as Tomura is confused to why he didn't die.

Joker: "Y-You! (Laughing) thought I didn't came prepare?!"

Tomura: "Chaos, there is nothing but two dumbasses. What's even the point?"

Joker: "Everyone has to start somewhere... say, what if I don't wanna work with you anymore. I can just climb to the top within days! Hours even!"

Tomura: "I would kill you, but I would like to prove you wrong..."

Joker: "Wrong? Not only that, but the whole world shall know of chaos... Hehe~."

Tomura: ".....Toga."

Joker turn around, only for Toga to kick him in the crotch, she smiles as he fell to his knees. But quickly rose up, laughing as the smile slowly fade.

Joker: "That felt good... I would care for more."

Toga swipes her knife across Joker's face, Joker groans in pain. Toga was about to stab Y/n, but Dabi caught her and he pull her away from Joker. As Joker swipe around with his knife, it was a lot faster than Toga, if Dabi haven't intervene, she would've gotten stab in the artery. Joker went to lean against a wall. Then, Joker look at them, revealing a cut on the side of his mouth. However, no blood was dripping.

Joker: "Stop me if you heard this one before... two guys went to a bar...."

Dabi grab him by the throat, where he threw him to the ground, blue flame start to appear on Dabi's hand. Joker frantically gets up.

Joker: "How about this one.... two lesbians head to a hotel..."

Dabi punches Joker on the wound, not to mention his fist was on fire. Then, Dabi set him ablaze. Joker was on fire, as he starts to laugh more and more. His body starts to turn a puke orange pigment, where his body starts to grow in size. Only to find out that it is a clay monster.

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