Izuku Vs. Y/n

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Y/n is pouring some water into a small bowl, for a kitten to drink from it. He take a few sip from the bottle of water. Him and the kitten is in the alleyway, the kitten is on a cardboard box and he is sitting next to it.

He waited for the kitten to finish drinking, when it did, he picked it up and put it on his mask. It snuggles up and fell asleep. He walk out, looking around, it felt weird. Usually, when Joker was on his mind, he can only hear faith laughing. But all he can hear is the raindrop hitting the ground, loud footsteps. It felt soothing to say the least.

He took a turn, it has been a full day since his release from the Asylum. He is walking down, as people look at him before they realize it was the "Joker." Two teenagers follow him, before they shove him into an alleyway. The kitten falls from the mask, landing on its feet and ran off. Y/n look back at the teenagers.

Teenager 1: Y-You.... you're the reason my mother died!

He look up at him with fear and confusion in his eyes. One kicks him in the face, before he look back at them, reaching something in his pocket.

Y/n: I-I-I have a c-cer-sir-certificate!

He shakingly pull out a certificate from the Asylum, the two people look at him with disgust.

Teenager 2: That means all what you did will simply vanish? By a finger snap? No, you need to be punished for your crimes.

They started to beat him, the sound of feet hitting a body just filled the alleyway. The camera zooms out of the alleyway, there was a street name next to the entrance. Named "Crime Alley", before an adult came by and looks at them. She quickly grab a pipe from a ground and slam the teenagers in a head. They fall to the ground, she look back at Y/n, who is staring up at her. He can't see her facial features, sense she is wearing a clown mask... then he passed out.

Y/n wakes up, in a bed, he holds his head and groans. He heard someone walking, he look at the source of the walking, only to see a girl possibly in his age, wearing a nurse outfit. She is carrying a tray of oatmeal, she made her way to him, as she set down the tray on her lap.

Y/n: W-Who are you?

Her hand reaches for her nurse hat, when she takes it off, her green hair falls down. She then slowly got up, making the tray fall to the ground.

Y/n: S-Stop, p-please.

She grab his hair, before she touches his face. It cuts to black.....

A week later.

A few thugs wearing the clown mask, is walking around the hideout. They sit down on the crates, setting down a dufflebag.

Joker Thug#2: This is stupid.... doing some good, it's stupid.

Joker Thug: We have to do everything he says... or he'll kill us like the last time we got together like this. And if you run away... he know where you live too, so that's that.

Joker Thug #2: Dammit... you're right! But this isn't what I signed up for....

Y/n: What are you guys talking about?

He said with a smile, making the two thugs scared.

Joker Thug: N-Nothing, Boss!

Joker Thug #2: Yeah! What he said!

Joker Thug: Here is what we g-got!

He turn over the bag to see bits of
bread in there, he laughs as the thug got worried and scared.

Y/n: I-I'm sorry! hahaha! I may or may not accidentally eat my sandwich in that bag. I'm sorry!

That laugh made the thug have a flashback to when one of the ex-thugs accidentally laugh at one of his Joker's jokes. In short, he made all of the thugs scared shitless to what he did to that thug. He even remember every detail of what he did to that poor soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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