DCend into Madness

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Izuku POV
Me and Y/n went to our dorm, once we open the door, a few people was gone though, they are looking at us with a surprised look.

Me: Everyone, meet my twin brother, Y/n Midoriya.

When I said "Midoriya", he turned his head to me and smiled briefly. They all greeted him, he smile, not out of his usual mental condition, but he feels happy.

Y/n: H-Hi.

So why is there a bird? And invisible man, and a pink lady? Should've stayed home. But a couple of them looks.... cute though. When I saw them, I feel like I am adrift, trying to breathe. They all wave and greeted me, suddenly I smile and wave. It suddenly takes me back... I was being in custody as the school guard remove the weapons.

School Guard: Cards? Oh, they're razor sharp. What is this? Jack in a box? What are you a clown?

He starts to turn it, as I waited patiently, as a sudden burst of light blinded me.

3rd POV
Y/n seems like he was having a flashback, Izuku just let it happen as he told them that he will be going to take a shower. A minute pass, he take his clothes off as the steam from the hot water fogs up the room, he stepped in as he was about to wash my body.

???: Pass me the soap.

He look back to see Y/n naked. Izuku screams as Y/n also scream, the two screams sounds so identical that it sounds like someone has recorded his scream and paste it over with his own scream. Once Izuku calms down.

Izuku: W-What are you doing i-in here?

Y/n: Relax, we have pretty much have the same bodies. It is like looking at a mirror. Yours' lookin' good though.

He grab the bar of soap, before using it to wash his body. Izuku look at his body, from looking at him wearing his suit and his hero costume, he would thought that he was very skinny, but he was wrong. It was average; no fat, muscle, or any signs of him being skinny. Then he started to think to himself.

Izuku:(Who are his stepparents?)

He begins to wonder, why was he gone for almost in his life, where was he? Questions like that must be asked for later.

Y/n: Tell me....

Izuku looks up as he turn around to face him.

Y/n: When you love a guy, r-romantically, but afraid of them not accepting who you are... What would you do?

Izuku: Wow, uhh.... I would choose what is best for me and my heart. And tell them how much I love them.

Y/n: Hmm.... thanks.

Y/n looks like he is in conflict, but he got out of the shower, Izuku heard some clothes shuffling, and a door being open and it being closed. Izuku returns to washing his body, acting like that wasn't normal at all and not trying to think about it, but.

Izuku: WAIT!


Y/n and Izuku was hanging out after Izuku did some hero work and academy work. Y/n was far ahead of Izuku, as Y/n turns around a corner, before seeing a green, gross substance. The substance gets bigger as he grew a smile, as it was Sludge that attack Izuku when he first met All Might.

Sludge: You'll make a good puppet!

Immediately, Y/n was covered by Sludge, he didn't fight back as Sludge got inside of him. Izuku arrives as he saw his own brother slowly getting control by a sludge monster. The sludge monster chuckles as he looked at his newly flesh hands.

Sludge: Let see......

Sludge take a look everywhere, before placing his hands up to his head.

Sludge: N-No.... No! NO! NO! STOP! LET ME OUT! PLEASE!

Then, Y/n's voice slowly takes over Sludge's voice.


Y/n throw up Sludge as he look at him, scared.

Sludge: Y-You..... knew.... why?

Y/n: Heh-heh.... Maybe I wanted this.

Sludge: Y-You're crazy! Insane!

Y/n expression turns into a serious one.

Y/n: No, I am not.

The heroes arrive, immediately the Sludge wants to be taken away. They were all surprised, Izuku witness what kind of charisma he has. He was happy for him, it gives him a chance to be in the UA. They continue to hang out, as the heroes were about to thank him, but they were mistaken him for Izuku as one of the hero pointed out that Izuku was watching, so now they all are in this awkward situation, they were still going to thank him, but for whatever reason, he is the same guy that scared Sludge and he look like he got possessed by him. So what they can only do is get out, awkwardly, as Y/n looks at them.

Y/n: Wow.... I thought that would be more fun. Was about to test this too.

He brought out two boxing gloves, but he put those away. The heroes take Sludge to the station, he spits on the pavement and he feels hungry.

Y/n: Hey, Big Brother. I'm hungry. I better go, see you.

He left Izuku who was still surprised, until he writes it down in his jounral.

Izuku:(Quirk.... Charisma? Chaos? Able to withstand anything? What is it...)

Y/n was walking to a store, but three males that was in his way.

Katsuki: Why, if it isn't little Deku.

Izuku: My little wildfire~.

Katsuki: Wow, very homosexual, don't you think.

Joker: No, I meant my matches.

Katsuki: Going to beat you up for that?

Y/n: Hmm, is it because you're interested? Because I don't know who you are and haven't paid for dinner.

Katsuki put his fist up, while Y/n look at him. He run towards Y/n, as he brought out an All-Might plush out? Katsuki was confused, but seen that it has a hole on All-Might's mouth, he was shock that it was a barrel of a gun.

Y/n: *Mimicking All-Might* I'll save the day! Ha-ha-ha!

He points it him, he pulls the gun, immediately a wave of fire was spread on him. Y/n screams as Katsuki looks down at him, he turns around but feel his head getting punched what it feels like a brick. He falls down, he angrily gets up and turn around to see Y/n fine. He is holding the two boxing gloves.

Y/n: Come on now, don't you think that was boring.

Katsuki angrily yells as he charge towards Y/n with his fist full of fire. He got out a jack in a box, Katsuki was confused, but he was still running. He watches as he turn the dial, Katsuki stops in front of him, he look like he remembered something and he calms down.

Katsuki: No, you're not worth it.

He stops turning the jack in the box, as he drops it and smiles.

Y/n: Huhuhu~ I am though. See you around.

He walks past them, once Y/n left Katsuki's sights. He think to himself.

Katsuki:(That's not Deku.)

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