Deku & Joker

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I enter the bathroom, I wash the makeup, I take deep breathes, I need to smoke right now. I walk out and their faces are hilarious, except for Shoto. He's not funny, but handsome. The little grape looks more comfortable since I took off my makeup, must be a child or a midget if he cries a lot. I guess they all think I look like Izuku but wearing my attire. Suddenly... I have an urge to laugh, I did my hardest not to let it out, but...

Me: ahahHaeehahah!

I clench my teeth and cover my mouth. I stop laughing immediately, and turn my attention to Izuku.

Me: When can I be a hero?

Izuku: Soon, maybe tomorrow.

Me: Alright! One step to let the world know that this clown is ready to be good! Hehehe~!

Then, silence occurs, a minute passed by as I clear my throat.

Me: So, how's... Mom? Is she doing alright?

Izuku: Hm? Yeah, she's doing okay.

Me: How about Dad?

Izuku: I haven't seen him in a long time.

Me: Hahaha~! Stereotypical, huh?

I made a joke, I begin to think.

Me: Can I meet Mom?

Izuku: I don't know.... I can call her for you.

Me: Thank you... Actually, better not. She would be mistaken for your voice, since I have your voice. I better go, you know? I have some stuff to do.

I got up and head to the exit.

3rd POV
Shoto: That's your brother? He's creepy, no offense.

He said, then drinks the water.

Izuku: He can get weird sometimes, but he is my brother.

Ochaco: You better check on him.

Izuku: Yeah, I better.

Izuku exits the restaurant, he sees Y/n in a distant and turns around the corner. He follows him, as soon he turns around a corner, he's gone. He walk down the street, before he heard laughter, people around Izuku looked at the direction where the laughter was heard. He walked down a corner to see Y/n holding a knife, he drops the knife and his laughter slowly turns into a muffled cry as he place his hands to his face.

Y/n: W-Why?

Izuku walks in as he saw bodies laying around, Y/n looks at him and his expression is fear.

Y/n: Y-You shouldn't be here...

Izuku: What happened?

Y/n: They all just came at me... they all tried to kill me. B-Believe me... please?

Izuku check the bodies, stab marks was all over the chest. He isn't a detective, but they look like they were running away, and also one of them there was a carved smiled on the face. Izuku gets scared as he thinks more about it.

Izuku: Right, and why did you kill them?

Y/n: U-Umm.... b-because, you know.

He was hesitant to answer.

Izuku: Tell me!

Y/n: F-Fine, I did it! I'm sorry! I didn't know what I was thinking! I can't help it! Please, help me!

He is crying as he fell on his knees, Izuku exhale through his nose hard, as he walk over to him and hugs him.

Izuku: We'll get you help.

Y/n: T-Thank you...

*Few Days Later*

Izuku and Y/n was walking together, lately Y/n has developed feelings for Shoto and Ochaco, he is waiting if he passes or not into the academy.

Y/n: If I don't get in, I'll still become a hero. Either they like it or not. Speaking of heroes, come and check my hero costume out!

He runs back home, leaving Izuku.

Izuku: Did he really just leave me? Or I could follow him.

Izuku follows him, he saw Y/n enter his home and he waited outside. It took about six minutes before he walks out and look at Izuku. It was Izuku's hero outfit that he had a few days ago, but he made some changes that fit his style.

Instead of the white gauntlets with blue lining, it was purple with green lining. The jacket was identical with it being the purple being the primary, dark purple in the lining and red on the padding. Pants like the jacket, purple but dark green on the lining. The black part of the pants was the same, but has "HA!" all over. The belt was green, but it has more various gadjets. And the boots has purple with the laces being the same, but around the back has orange. The mask it was black with a smile on it, blood red lips and crooked yellow teeth.

Joker: Look at this!

He clench his fist and punch a wall to his home, it breaks as he laugh.

Joker: Fun, isn't it?

Izuku: How...?

Joker: Oh! Also, look I am not being one of you guys, so I made some.... toys I made. Like this *shows Izuku a grappling hook* and this.. Huhuhu~.

He pulls out what it looks to be a bomb.

Izuku: Is that deadly?

He said with concern, this made Y/n scratch his head and look at the bomb confusingly.

Y/n: I don't know.... not going to test it though. Maybe.

He puts it back as Izuku is both proud and concern.

Izuku: Maybe we shouldn't use deadly force.

Y/n: Who said anything about deadly force? Here, if you wanna see what it can do then I do too.

He grab his bomb and throws it in there, then a quick burst of light fills the home as Y/n looks inside.

Y/n: Flashbang. It is a flashbang.

Izuku sighs in relief, lately he has been helping him become more normal, no more killings and he has laughed as much. He is just hoped that he is cured from whatever psychological abuse he has been through. Then, he saw someone terrorizing the citizens.

Izuku: Y/n, let's put those to the test.

Y/n: Alright!

He put his mask on. It seems that the villain can stretch his limbs at will, Y/n saw this and take out his grappling hook, he shot it at his right arm. He pulls it down, the villain looks at him and pulls his arm, making Y/n lift off of the ground and was flung in the air. He laughs as Izuku went to save him, however Y/n use the grappling hook to latch onto the buildings. He used his bombs to blind the villain, he took out his cards and throw them at him, it was razor sharp so some of them got into his skin. He turns around to Izuku, he was going in for a kick, the villain tried to swipe him, but Y/n throw more cards on his long arm, making him open, Izuku kick the villain down on the concert. He passed out and Y/n landed next to Izuku, looking down at the villain.

Y/n: Come on, that was weak! You even called yourself a villain!?

Izuku: Are those playing cards?

Y/n: Huh? Oh, yeah! I thought I would disarmed someone in a quick pace, so I immediately thought of playing cards. Funny, isn't it?

Izuku chuckle.

Izuku: I guess.

Y/n: That was exciting. Great teamwork.

Izuku: Yeah, it was.

Y/n: Does that make me a hero?

He asked with excitement in his voice, Izuku put his hands on his hips.

Izuku: Considering we took down a low villain, I guess you are.

The amount of happiness in him was enough that he hugged Izuku, Izuku chuckled once more because of his childish manner that he got one of the arm out and hug him back.

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