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A month later, Y/n is being taken into the office of the Headmaster.

Psychiatrist: Y/n is during better, I do believe the Joker persona is gone.

Headmaster: Is that so? Are the bad thoughts gone?

Psychiatrist: Yes.

The Headmaster look like Y/n, before smiling.

Headmaster: Mister Midoryia, you are cured.

Y/n: B-But, I-I want to be h-here.

Headmaster: I know, however you are no longer required to be here. You can open your wings and fly. Guards, take him outside. Here is your certificate.

He hand Y/n a certificate, Y/n smiles before walking away with the guards. The Psychiatrist stand next to the Headmaster.

Psychiatrist: Do you think he is cured, Hugo Strange?

Hugo: Part of him is, let just release him for further studies.

Psychiatrist: That would be dangerous.

Hugo: Indeed.

Y/n is outside of an asylum, he look back before walking down the road. He was alone in his thoughts, he walk into the city. Seeing the people made him uncomfortable, he saw UA, but didn't decide not to go. Raindrop fell onto him, he was wearing the black suit from the party. He suddenly heard meowing and hissing, along with barking. He track down the source, to see a savage dog barking at a kitten, who is hiding behind a box, meowing. Next to the box, was a cat, lying and was covered partially in blood. He kick the dogs, they yelped and ran away. He went over to the kitten, who is now hissing at him.

Y/n: It's okay! I'm here to help!

The cat continue to hiss at him, he carefully grabs him, where the kitten bite and scratches his hands. He picked him up, held the kitten close to him, bringing warmth in the cold evening. He turned around, before walking back to his old place, he saw it was covered by tape "do not cross." He walked inside, seeing everything is in pieces, covered by the charcoal black ashes.

He look around to see anything useful, he saw his modified hero suit. Next to the costume, he saw his surviving gadjets: the cards, grappling hook and more. He remember the memories, before he set the kitten down and changing into his hero costume. He put the kitten into his hands, before putting the gadjets on his belt. He search for his suit pockets just in case. He only saw a piece of paper.

'Ello Matey! Time for a treasure hunt, follow the path and you earn the prize from Uncle J!

Below the letters, he saw a map. However, it only lead to what he is right now. He crumbled up the paper, he walk out of the destroyed building. He start to walk down the road, hoping it would be better. The kitten meows out of hunger, he pet it for the kitten to claw and bite the finger. The pain he felt, it wasn't funny. Y/n actually smiles, for once in the past years, he is actually happy on where he is at. He actually hope that Izuku will forget about him.

From this day on, he won't be known as a destructive anarchist, he will be an anarchist that supports people who are like him. Speak to the public who belittle the poor and mentally challenged people. He will be the one and only, the White Knight.

Next time on The Good Verses The Chaotic Evil:

Y/n: I.... don't want to... I want to be alone! I want to become a hero without having another permission! They'll just decline a person like me, but I'll show them that even without a Quirk.... I'll still want to be a hero. For the first time.... since forever, I am not afraid! I will stand my ground!

Y/n pull out his cards, before opening them and look to see a King, Queen, Jack, a ten, and an ace. Izuku's hand clenches.

Izuku: No matter what you do.... I still care for you, brother or not!

Y/n: F-Fine... have it your way, Brother.

"Izuku Vs Y/n"

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