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High school..

The worst last two years were ahead of me, but since it has only been 3 months in, I had already made some friends.

But being a sophomore wasn't easy, but also knowing I had a crush on a guy I would never be with was harder.

I looked across the room to see the man I've been crushing on stare deeply into my eyes.

Jeon Jungkook.

I sighed as I turned around back to face the board. I knew I had no chance with him so why even bother expressing me feelings just to get hurt.

It was sad I couldn't share my high school experience with my brother since he was already a senior and was really busy.

I sighed.

The bell rang and we all were walking out as it was the end of the day. I knew tomorrow I'd have to see Jungkook five times since we had that many classes together.

I felt like the world was messing with me, trying to make my life harder than it already was.

I opened the classroom door only to see a hand in front of it. I felt the gaze of someone's eyes on me, I felt uneasy.

Suddenly, I got twisted around and slammed onto the back of the door.

Jeon Jungkook was staring at me with dark, scary eyes.

I gulped as I had never had this type of thing happen to me.

"Holy shit, Jungkook why'd you do that."

I tried to remain calm but I felt my cheeks turn a bright red.

"Kim Chin-Sun."

Just hearing him say my name made me go crazy.

I turned my gaze to the floor as I didn't feel comfortable with him staring. But it didn't work. I felt the hand of Jungkook press on my chin lightly and move my head up.

"Listen to me."

I nodded in response and he carried on what he was saying.

"I like you. Would you want to go on a date."

He said it so straight forward. I didn't know what else to do so I smiled and nodded yes.

He then let me go and hugged me.

I quickly hugged him back and felt a warm comfort in my heart.

He then let go and stared into my eyes with happiness.

"Can I kiss you?"

I agreed.

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