Chapter 9

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The next day I had returned to college. I had told my best friends, Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa, and Rosé about everything.

They were shocked, no words could express what they were feeling.

"So.. when are you getting married..?"

I looked at them and stayed quiet.

"Yeah, since there's only 4, nearly 3 months left of school. Will you get married during this time or after this year?"

I honestly didn't know what to tell them. My mother said nothing about the date so I couldn't really tell them.

I shrugged at their questions and walked off to my first class.

Just as I was going in, I got a text from the guy I hated the most.

Mr Jeon Jungkook.

"Chin-Sun, after school go straight home."

Is this boy being for real..

I sighed as I texted him back.

"You idiot, I have work."

I turned off my phone after sending that and went in the classroom.

Jungkook's POV

I texted Chin-Sun to come straight home after school since we had to discuss some business but was shocked when she texted back.

"You idiot, I have work."

I sighed as I went into my contacts to search for a specific person's phone number.

"Good morning Ms. Kim.. I was wondering if you could tell your daughter to cancel work today for we need to discuss some matters."

"Ah, Jungkook, I'll be sure to call in her work today telling them she's busy. Thank you for calling."

I hung up quickly after that and headed to her house.

End Of POV

I went home after school since my mom texted me saying it was important.

I didn't know what exactly was so important but I was scared. What if something happened to her and she's hurt.

With those thoughts in my head, I ran. I didn't slow down, not even for a second.

When I reached my house, I sighed in relief. But I saw a car I didn't know.

I got scared. What if it was a robber and they hurt my mother. Quickly, I opened the door only to see Jungkook and my mother there.

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