Chapter 13

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While approaching my house, I saw a car that wasn't my mothers in the garage. I didn't think anything of it until I got in and heard a woman's voice mixed with Jungkook's laugh.

I knew I shouldn't have went but my gut told me so. I carefully closed the door, making sure it didn't make any noise and went upstairs where our bedrooms were.

Carefully, I looked into the little space of the door since they forgot to fully close it. But then I had the best idea ever.

I took out my phone and recorded inside the room so I could get evidence that Jungkook isn't a good person and that I shouldn't marry him.

I waited for a while until I saw on the phone that both of them came out from what seemed like his game room.

"Wow kookie, I never knew you played that well." I heard the girl say and saw she was touching his chest in a flirtatious matter. I got sick of the sight but kept recording to see if there was anything else I could pick up.

"Thanks, are we still going to get the surprise ready or are you going to keep flirting with me?" I didn't know what to think of that. Was he annoyed at her? Or did he see my phone..

Despite my thoughts, I kept my mind at what was happening. "Do we really have to do this surprise? I thought you didn't like her but now you're getting married to her."

"So she's talking about me.. but what's this surprise she's talking about..." I thought as I was looking at my phone again to see her now laying on his bed.

"I have to make a good impression on her mother... it's not like I want to do this." Jungkook said but it sounded like a sad tone. I was almost getting to the good part when my phone got a notification making both of them look where the sound came from.

Quickly, I got up and ran to my room which was luckily right next to his. I locked it just in time when I heard a bang from the other side. "Chin-Sun?? What're you doing here, shouldn't you be at college?" I heard him say but it sounded like an anxious tone.

"Of course he'd be anxious after he knew I heard everything. Hopefully he didn't see my phone though.."

"Leave me alone Jungkook." I yelled from the other side. I quickly remembered the notification and looked to see it was my mother. "Great..."

I unlocked the door and saw the girl leaving but she was stopped by my mother. I looked at Jungkook and he looked at me with a scared expression.

"Hmm.. why is this lady in Chin-Sun and yours house, Jungkook?" My mom said while looking at both of us. "She was helping me with a surprise.." he said while fidgeting with his hands.

My mother noticed it and so did I. We both exchanged a glance at each other but I ended up sighing.

"It's true mom, I came home and I saw in my room that their was a huge pink stuffed bear with flowers. I'm guessing she make the bear since we both know Jungkook is stupid and isn't capable of making such a cute animal."

Jungkook looked at me but I ended up smiling and hanging on to his arm. "He's such a good husband-to-be. He's so thoughtful on what would make me happy." I couldn't believe I was doing this just to save his ass from being disowned from my mother.

He knew what I was doing and ended up playing along. He put one of his hands on my waist and lifted my head up with his other. "I'm so glad you liked it, dear." Jungkook then kissed my cheek which I wasn't expecting but we both heard my mother giggle.

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