Chapter 12

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I was in a peaceful sleep when suddenly the sound of banging grew louder until I finally woke up.

Quickly, I jerked up and looked around only to see my door get swung opened by the one and only Jungkook.

His movements were fast and the expression on his face was somewhat of an annoyed, angry, and tired one.

Seeing him like that made my tiredness go away and I started laughing.

"Looks like we'll have to set up some house rules." Jungkook said with a poker face. I was confused at first so I just looked at him.

"Rule number one... don't lock your bedroom doors." I looked at him and just blinked a couple times before he started walking towards me.

"Rule number two, last person awake has to make breakfast and clean after the other one."

That's it, if he thinks he can make up rules as stupid as that, I'll have to get my revenge.

"Rule number 3..." I spoke and he immediately looked up at me with a weird look. "First person awake has to make the other persons bed and make dinner."

"Yeah, no. Your rules don't matter." Jungkook said as he walked out of my room.

This annoying man... I sighed and got up to take a shower in my new house.

Afterwards, I contemplated wether or not to make breakfast.

After lots of thinking, I finally decided to just make cereal. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and I saw Jungkook waiting for me.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I just looked at him for a quick second and went to the cabinet and grabbed two boxes of cereal.

I placed one right on front of Jungkook and grabbed milk and bowls, along with spoons and handed it to Jungkook.

"Cereal.. really?"

I nodded in agreement and he sighed in defeat. He poured broke cereal in his bowl and then his milk then started eating.

I smiled knowing I won this time and started getting my cereal ready.

~Time Skip~

I finally got dressed and ready for the day. While checking my phone, I grabbed my backpack and headed for the door, but as always someone always has to make my days harder.

While walking towards the front door, Jungkook out his body on the door making me stop all my movements and look at him.

"May I help you?" I said in an annoyed voice.


"This jerk.." my mind said as I kept looking at him.

"We both know I'm handsome." He said with a sly smirk.

I laughed as he looked at me. "Oh god.. you? Handsome? Never."

He gave me a fake shocked expression. "Oh how rude!"

At this point he's already annoyed the living hell out of me and has made me late for my first class.

"Just leave me alone today. You're really getting on my nerves.."

"Oh come on.. don't act that way towards me! I am your soon-to-be husband after all!"

I sighed and pushed him away from the door and left. As I was walking out, I heard him murmur something but I'm way to tired to deal with his attitude.

While walking, my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was my mom. I got confused but answered anyways.

"Why're calling me. I'm busy." I said while looking around the street to make sure no cars are coming while I cross.

"You need to drop out."

My movements stopped at her words. "What did you just say to me?"

I heard her sigh from the other line. "Go back to your house, I'll be there in 15."

I was about to talk when I heard the call end. I just started at my phone not knowing what to do.

"Should I still go to school.. I did pay for it after all.." My mind was wondering until a car horn brought me back into the real world.

I quickly got my thoughts together and went back to the house.

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