Chapter 1

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I heard my alarm go off just as I was getting to the best part of my dream.

"Go to hell stupid alarm.."

I hit snooze but just as I did, my mom came in.

"Kim Chin-Sun, wake your lazy ass up!!"

I sighed.

"But mom... today's my free day. No college classes or work."

My mother looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Have you seen your room? I'm not letting you have your way today."

I looked around and I did notice some clothes here and there.

"Mom, it's just a little mess. I'll do it later."

And with that, I slept again.

I heard her sigh and walk off. I thought she'd leave for good until I felt something cold touch my skin.

I screamed and got out of bed fully awoken.

"Clean your room, we're visiting your brother today."

I knew there was no way of getting out of this so I did as she said.

I cleaned for about an hour until I felt everything looked okay

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I cleaned for about an hour until I felt everything looked okay.

Just as I was about to lay on my bed again, my mother came it and looked at the place.

"Much better.. tomorrow I'll be having another business meeting. I'll be away for a month."

"Really mom? Why can't you ever spend time with me."

She sighed and looked at me with serious eyes.

"How else am I supposed to provide you things? We need money for food, clothes, and even this house."

I kept silent and knew she was right.

"Ever sense your dad left us it's been hard. Trust me, your not the only one still suffering."

After she said that, she closed the door and left.

I quickly took a shower and changed my clothes into a white shirt, denim jeans, and white adidas.

I then went outside my room to go downstairs where my mother was waiting for me.

"Let's go."

We arrived to my brothers house after 35 minutes and greeted him with smiles and hugs.

"Ahhh, Chin-Sun.. hows your last year of college? Are you going to take mothers place and be the CEO of her company."

Jin joked as I saw my mom smile and look at me.

"Who knows, maybe I will."

We all laughed and went into his house. We got to see his new girlfriend and we had a lot in common.

"Chin-Sun you don't look like your 21! How's your skin so clear... oh I wish mine looked like that!"

Jin's girlfriend said to me.

"Thank you, I actually don't really do anything to my face except use water."

I got along with her very well, it was mostly because we were very close in age, her only being 23. But it was also because we had a lot in common.

We both loved horror movies, we loved going on walks, going to the beach, swimming, and she even loved skateboarding like me!

"I forgot to ask, but what is your name?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! It's Lee Seo-Yeon!"

I smiled at her and gave her a big hug.

"Well Seo-Yeon... you're now my new best friend."

She gave me a big smile.

"I believe we'll be the best of friends!"

We both laughed and then went back to my mother and her boyfriend.

We eventually had dinner and Jin made the best bulgogi with fried rice and dumplings.

I didn't want to leave but sadly we had to.

"Yah, Chin-Sun, I'll see you soon, okay?"

My brother said with a big smile.

"Okay, I hope you both stay safe!"

And with that, we left.

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