Chapter 3

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The days went on as normal. I got up, did what I had to, went to school, went to work, then get home and sleep.

It was honestly boring and I didn't want this to always be my daily routine.

2 week has passed after my mom left so I asked my boss if I could get a day off.

Luckily for me, I have been one of her favorites since the day I came in.

She gladly agreed and even asked if I needed more than a day. I thought for a while and said yes. She gave me 3 days off so now I had free time after school.

I thought long and hard about what I should do for these next three days but nothing really came in mind.

I could go to the park, practice with my skateboard, or even just sleep it.

The more I thought about those things, it just didn't seem appealing.

I sighed.

I contemplated if I should just go to work for those days and skip having free time.

I was just about to pick up the phone to dial her number until a person texted me.

It was Jin's girlfriend.


I quickly opened the text to see what she said.

"Chin-Sun!! I got a free day tomorrow, I was wondering if you'd want to have a girls day after college!"

I smiled and I quickly replied.

"Of course! I have three days off work since I felt like I needed some time for myself! I'm usually done with school around 3. But tomorrow I only have 4 classes instead of 7 so I'll be done around 11:10!"

I smiled as I saw she was typing back.

"Okay, great! I'll pick you up around 12!"

We chatted some more as I didn't want to end the conversation there.

I asked how she was doing with her work and she said it was a little overwhelming. She said it was worth it since she needed job experience and I agreed.

We had fun until I had to sleep.

I told her Goodnight and that I'd see her the next day.

She said goodnight as well and we both went to sleep.

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