Chapter 10

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"Ah! Chin-sun, so good to see you again! How've you been?"

"Hi Seo-Yeon!! I've been good, how're things with you and Jin?"

She smiled and we began our very long conversation.

I almost had forgotten about being outside until we saw Jin getting out of his car.

"Hey Chin-Sun.. what're you doing here? It's late, shouldn't you be at home with mom?"

I sighed at told him everything. He understood and allowed me to stay there for 3 days.

I was happy, I could finally have peace and quiet and think about everything that has happened.

I quickly changed into some pajamas Seo-Yeon gave to me and jumped on the bed.

I got comfortable and soon fell asleep.

But that didn't last long as I felt a pair of arm pick me up. I looked only to hear the voice.

"Shhh.. go back to sleep, everything will be okay."

My tired state did as the man told me and I willingly put my arms around his shoulders.

And for the second time, I fell asleep.

Jungkook's POV:

After Chin-Sun left, I quickly looked at her mom and she tried to call her only to be put on her voicemail.

I got frustrated as I thought something could've happened to her.

"Mrs. Kim, I'm going to search for her. Is that alright?"

"Yes, please get her quick."

I nodded and got my shoes than quickly ran out of the house.

I searched down the whole street and into the next neighborhood only to be greeted by other people.

"Shit.. where did she go.."

I ran back into Mrs. Kim's house and told her. We searched for at least an hour than decided to call everyone who knew her.

But it was no use.

"Jungkook what happened to my baby?"

Mrs.Kim said while crying. I looked at her and sighed.

"I'm sorry.. I'll try and find her soon."

I got my keys and left the house.

Then I thought of someone who we didn't call. I quickly dialed his number and thankfully he answered.


"Jin! I need your help."

"Jungkook? What's wrong..?"

"Chin-Sun.. we can't find her, it's been over an hour and she's not here."

I heard him laugh over the line and told me what has happened this past hour.

I sighed in relief knowing she wasn't hurt or dead.

Jin proceeded to give me his address and I went on my way. I knew today has been very eventful for het and I was sorry.

But we have to do this.

I got to Jin's house and he asked me to sit down.

"She said you're moving in next week. Does that mean the marriage is soon?"

"I honestly don't know, my parents haven't said anything about the day so I can't give any information out."

He nodded and we talked for a while discussing things until my phone beeped.

I looked at the message and saw it was from my father.

"Jungkook we've moved all your clothes and Chin-suns into the new house. Your bed is already there as well as other furniture."

I looked at Jin and showed him the message.

"Looks like you'll be moving in tonight."

We chuckled and he showed me to Chin-Suns room. I smiled as I saw her sleeping figure but soon stoped.

I then quietly picked her up only to hear her breath deeply and open her eyes slightly.

"Shhh.. go back to sleep, everything will be okay."

She listened and closed her eyes again.

I then started to walk but stopped once I felt her arms hold onto my neck.

Jin and his girlfriend looked at me then at her.

I saw Jin's girlfriend smile then she came up to me.

"Y'know.. I think you guys will actually catch feelings for each other. I've seen Chin-Sun blush a few times when she's said your name."

After hearing that, I blushed and looked at her face. I smiled again then looked up and nodded, not wanting to wake Chin-Sun up.

They then moved aside and I went outside and out her and myself in the car.

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