Chapter 5

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Mother's POV

I've been in Hong Kong for over two weeks now. The business meeting has been going on for a few days now.

I am currently working with the biggest CEO of Korea.

The Jeon family.

The parents and I had came to a conclusion that their son and my daughter would marry.

That would make our success rate much higher and the outcome would mean our two companies would join together.

That would make us more wealthy and make both companies recognized in other parts of the world.

I knew Chin-Sun would hate me for this, but it's the only way for us to live a stable life.

Plus, she'll get everything she needs.

She'll have her own house, a car, food, money, and clothes.

If she complains then she definitely doesn't know others have it harder than her. She'll literally life the life of luxury.

While I was in the thoughts, the glass door opened and I saw the Jeon family.

"Good morning Miss Kim, we brought our son with us today. His name is Jeon Jungkook and he's 22 years old."

My eyes met with his and I immediately recognized him as my daughters ex. I knew this wasn't going to go well but I had to do this.

"Good morning, I couldn't bring my daughter here due to her busy schedule with work and school. But I'll gladly show you pictures of her."

I then took out my phone and got the pictures of her out. I showed them old pictures from when she was a kid and newer pictures I took a week before I left.

"Her name is Kim Chin-Sun."

Once I said my daughters name, I saw Jungkook look angry yet sick.

This wasn't going to turn out good for either of them.

"Ah, she's very beautiful. We'll fly back with you in two weeks so we can introduce our son to her. If that's alright with you?"

I smiled and looked at all of them.

"Of course, she'll love to meet you all!"

And with that, we continued our business meeting.

Time skip

The days passed by quickly and it was already time for me to go back to Korea. I told my daughter to get ready when I came back.

I went out of the hotel room and went to my car. The Jeon family was already waiting so we went to the airport.

"The plane ride is only 5 hours, we'll arrive around 3pm."

I smiled at them and Mrs. Jeon and I discussed what will happen today.

"So, after we land we should go straight to my house. My daughter will be waiting for us so we can continue our plan."

"Great! But what if she disagrees?"

I looked out the window for a quick second. Chin-Sun has to agree. If not.. it'll ruin both companies.

I sighed and looked at her again.

"If she disagrees, we'll have to make her. It's best for both our companies and she'll get a life of luxury."

Mrs. Jeon smiled at me and nodded.

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