Chapter 11

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I woke up to the feeling of hands around my waist but wasn't that bothered as I was very comfortable and didn't want to move.

But once I fully opened my eyes to look around, I noticed I wasn't at my brothers or mothers house.

Quickly, I got up and looked to see who was next to me.

My heart skipped a beat as I saw Jungkook laying in the bed. I didn't know why, but I felt a fuzzy feeling in my heart.

I knew what this was. I didn't like this one bit since I've had this feeling before with the same exact person.

I sighed as I looked around for new clothes and searched for the bathroom.


I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of food. I smiled a little then thought of the past events.

I slowly got up and changed into a white shirt and black jeans. I then went downstairs to see breakfast.

I smiled then began to eat only to hear a girls voice behind me.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?"

I looked up and saw Chin-Sun.


She gave me a death stare and took the plate of food.

"Are you retarded? Give me my food back."

She laughed.

"You mean my food?"

I looked at her then got up. She smiled for a second but it quickly faded into a angry glare once I stole the food back.


I then went back into the room and locked the door.


I quickly ran upstairs into the room Jungkook went in only to find the door had been locked.

"Jungkook get your fat ass up and unlock this door right now!!!"

I got so pissed off that he took my food that i didn't even care what time it was or what I was supposed to be doing that day.

Soon, I head footsteps and the sound of the door being unlocked.

Jungkook opened it just a little and threw the plate at me. Thankfully I caught it before it could hit me or the floor.

Once I realized he ate all the food, the door quickly shut again and I was there banging at the door trying to make Jungkook open it.


I heard him laughing from inside the room which angered me more.

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