Chapter 4

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"Okay after we go tell your mom about this we are going to go change your appearance so Chelsea can't find you so easily." Luke said as we were driving to my apartment. "What do you mean?" I asked him hoping he didn't mean surgery. "Michael will dye your hair tonight, I'm going to take you shopping later, and we'll all go to the tattoo parlor to get you piercings and a tattoo." he said like it was no big deal. "WHAT?! Why do I have to dress like a drug dealer?!" I shouted and he just laughed "Not a drug dealer a rebel and it's because you dress like a goody goody so if Chelsea saw you she would have no idea it was you." he said smirking. "But... do I have to get a tattoo?" I was kinda scared of the answer. "When we get there if you don't see one you like I guess you don't have too." he said shrugging. "Thank youuuuuuuuu" he just shook his head as we pulled into the parking lot. "Okay, we're gonna run up the stairs unlock the door really fast run in and shut the door and lock it, tell your mom , pack your stuff that's absolutely necessary, and leave the same way. Got it?" He said turning off the car "Yeah." I said pulling out my key.
We did what he said and when we got to my apartment we rushed in to see Chelsea and my mom sitting on the couch drinking tea. "oh my gosh!! Where have you been?! And who is that?!" She shouted looking at Luke she never liked those punk kids. "um.. I-I was at Luke's doing a homework assignment and we started watching a movie and I just passed out so when I woke up I made him get up and drive me over here so I could tell you." I said quickly Chelsea looking like she was gonna kill Luke. "Oh okay then, but nothing happened? Right? Cause if I find ou-" I cut her off "Dont worry nothing happened." I said completely embarrassed. "Mrs. Adams I wouldn't believe that. He's a trouble maker." Chelsea said to my mom. "No he's really nice and he wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone!" I said to my mom so Chelsea couldn't talk about any of the rumors I already heard. "Okay, Chelsea I think it's time for you to go home. Kathryn I would like to talk to you and your... friend." she said looking at Luke. "Okay." I said. Chelsea left sashaying out the door with mega attitude. "Mrs.Adams there is something very important going on and your daughter could be in danger because of Chelsea and we need to hide her and so that's the real reason why she was at my house." Luke said as soon as he was sure Chelsea was gone and there were no mikes. "What?! That's crazy. Chelsea seems so sweet" my mom said waving her hand "No, mom she's not Luke and 3 other people like him found out that dad's paying her to find me and hurt me. Youre not safe either you need to leave Ashton, one of Lukes friends, found out that he's gonna come here himself for you." my mom looked scared now. "How did you find this out?" my mom asked Luke. "I used to be in a gang like Chelsea's but now we try to save people like your daughter. We hacked the emails between them." he said very serious. "The only reason I believe you is because I know he was crazy. He tried to kill us before that's why I move I just never told you Kat. I want you to go pack up the things you need and go with him. But I swear if he hurts you I will track him down and personally hurt him." she said taking about Luke like he wasn't even there. "Don't worry. Come on get a backpack and we'll get your things." he said.
After we gathered my things and got in the car Luke said "Wow. I can't believe that happened like that." he started pulling towards the mall. "I had no idea that's why we moved I thought that it was for her work." I said "Well I guess she had reason to keep it from you." he said "What color do you want to dye your hair and what piercings do you think you want?" He said changing the subject. "Um, maybe lavender and a nose ring with piercings all the way up this ear with two on the bottom and cartilage on this one." I said pointing at my ears. "Wow that's surprising. I thought I'd have to force you to get something like that." he said "Well I guess I've wanted to do something crazy for a while just haven't had the guts but now I have a reason."
We went into hot topic and right away Luke was grabbing clothes that my mom always said were for strippers. "Luke! No! What's wrong with you?!" I shouted getting stares from the cashier. "its part of the disguese." he said shrugging. "How bout this?" I said picking up a nirvana shirt, some black jeans, a faux leather jacket, and some weird curly ring. "Cool." he said I grabbed a few other black outfits with splashes of red and purple and electric blues but not many pastels which I loved. Up by the checkout I saw one of those ring bracelet things. "Gosh you want to spend all my money don't you." Luke said "my mom gave me some money." I said reaching in my pocket. "Don't worry about it you'll need that for the tattoo shop."
We walked into this black and red store with black and white checkered floors. "Hey Luke." the girl at the desk said "Hey Octavia." he said waving taking me over to a book with tattoos in it I flipped through it for a while bored while Luke talked to Octavia about what piercings I wanted. "Ooooo I like this one." It was a dandelion braking apart and floating away on a girls shoulder blade. "That's cool." Luke said and Octavia shook her head. "Sit here and we'll do the piercings first." she said pointing at a chair "Okay." she did all my piercings me just gasping at each one. "You continue to surprise me." Luke said causing me to laugh. "Okay I'll give you a camie to wear, or you can just cover your back with a towel cause you seem like the type of girl who wouldn't be okay with sitting here in just her bra we get those girls and I hate them and the guys who work here are so annoying because they encourage them and they think they're so good looking cause they're skinny but it's awful it looks like they starve themselves." wow she talked a lot but she seemed cool I frlt the same way about those kind of girls. " Uh I think I bought a tank top." I said grabbing my bag and going to the bathroom.
As soon as she started tears came to my eyes. Luke held my hand and knelt down. "Its okay." he said "Will it hurt this bad the whole time?" I whined "No it gets better." he said rubbing my hand with his thumb. I laid my head down on the chair and closed my eyes.
3 hours later
"Done and this looks great." I heard Octavia said. I jumped up and ran to the mirror and she handed me a smaller one so I could see my back. "OH MY GOSH thank you!! It looks great I can't believe I did it!!!" She smiled and laughed "Any time and you seem cool we should hangout sometime." she said writing her phone number down. "Lets go get hair dye now." Luke said after I paid Octavia, it was expensive. As we walked into the hair dye shop I saw Michael sitting behind the counter. "YAY!! " he screamed when we walked in. "Oh my gosh you look great." he said like a girl and I was laughing so hard just because of how he acted. "Okay down to business down this I aisle, my natural habitat, is colorful hair dye. What color do you want?" He said waving his arm down the aisle. "Lavender." I said simply and his face lit up. "Yay, that's a fun color I already died it that color it'll be so easy." he said grabbing it off the rack and running to the desk as Ashton and Calum walked in. "Hey I thought we got to help with the makeover?" Calum whined. "To late. Sorry." Luke said shrugging. "Okay. Time to close up lets go dye some hair!!!" Michael shouted. We all walked out going to three different cars. "Don't worry Michaels an expert he's died his hair more times than I can count." Luke said. "I'm not." I said but I was what if he burned my hair. What if it all fell out?! What if I was balled?! I guess Chelsea definitely wouldn't know it was me then.
At the apartment
"Are you ready?" Michael asked with his gloves on and the dye mixed. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said. Michael started putting the stuff into my roots and then into tinfoil and wrapping my hair in that. "Okay in 30 minutes we wash it out." he said. Thank god I have blond hair so I didn't have to bleach my hair.
30 minutes later
"Oh my god!!! I love it!!" I squealed. They all stood behind me laughing. I hugged Michael and they all piled in around us. "Thank you thank you thank you!!! Okay I can't breathe can we stop." I said and they all pulled back. "Can I have some sweatpants and a blanket and I'll sleep on the couch?" I said and they all looked stunned "You are NOT sleeping on the couch!" Ashton yelled. "Why?" I said "Because you're hiding from a gang and if they break in you'll be right there sleep in Lukes room." he said

A/N Heyyyyyy u guys!!!! Soooooo what do Ya think. her outfit is on the side I made it!!!! Yay I can't believe I did it!!!
Comment if you loved lavender Michael he's da best.
I'm sorry if you thought this was going to be a kidnapping story it really was supposed to be but I got completely off track so I'm really really sorry bout that.
I honestly think no one reads these I could literally write anything
I'm an axe murder
I stalk Mariah Carey
I like fried chicken
No one reads these. Just kidding I'm none of these things. Luh u little penguins merry Christmas and happy almost New Years.

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