Chapter 1

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⚠️Warning - Strong language


Y/n's POV-

"Y/N! Where is breakfast, it's already 11! Get up!" Your mother shouts while barging into your room.

You groan in bed as you slowly roll around, now facing your mother. Your bruises hurt so much that you could barley move, causing you to stay in bed for a while before she came in.

However her shouting for you to get up was enough to tear you away from acknowledging the pain if only for a moment.

"I expect you to be out of bed and downstairs in 5 minutes." Your mother says before slamming the door shut.

You then take a deep breath and get up, exhaling steadily as you do your best to ignore the sharp pains shooting through your body.

Now heading over to your mirror and lifting up your shirt, you now examine the bruises that litter your sides.

That's when you began to think back to last night again...

~ Flashback ~

"LET ME GO!" Your mother screams, completely drunk out of her mind.

"Mom please, you need to go rest." You say as calmly as you can while practically dragging her upstairs.


Once you finally reach the top of the steps, she then abruptly yanks her arm out of your grip.

"Please, please just go lay down." You plead to her with tears now building in your eyes, causing her to look back at you and smirk.

"Crying? Really? YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CRY! I should be the one crying! You took everything from me! EVERYTHING! YOUR FATHER WOULD HAVE STILL BEEN HERE IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU BEING SUCH A FUCKING BRAT! SO IF THERE IS ANYTHING I NEED, IT'S HIM! Can you bring him back? Huh?" She spits.

Your tears now unwillingly fall down your face as you try to respond, yet you fail.

She was right, or at least you believed she was.

"Exactly. You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him convincing me that we could be a happy family. I never wanted your worthless ass, yet he did. So I gave up everything to keep him happy. I SACRIFICED EVERYTHING I HAD TO BE WITH HIM AND MAKE HIS DREAM OF HAVING HIS HAPPY FAMILY COME TRUE! AND WHAT DO YOU DO?? YOU TAKE AND TAKE AND TAKE UNTIL THERE IS NOTHING LEFT! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!" She yells as she rushes over to you.

"MOM NO-" You start, yet it was too late.

She then pushes you down the stairs, causing you to fall hard and hit your head harshly on the floor below.

"Pathetic." Your mom says before heading to her room and slamming the door shut, you now continuing to sob on the ground.

~ Flashback End ~

Pulling your shirt back down, you then take one steadying breath before putting on your slippers and making your way downstairs.

Looking over towards the living room, you see your mom on the couch watching the news already with a wine glass filled to the top.

Sighing, you then go into the kitchen.

"Great..." you say lowly as you search through each now empty cabinet and fridge.

"I'm going to have to go to the store, Mom. We barley have anything." You announce.

"Then go." She says, her eyes never leaving the TV screen.

Now looking towards the window, you see it has already begun to start pouring down rain.

"Could I borrow the car?" You ask hesitantly.

"No." She replies.

"'s raining." You say back.

"So. Walk, you could use the exercise." She says back.  

You look down at yourself and sigh, she's right, or so you believe. (Don't believe this bbs you all are perfect the way you are <3)

So you make your way back upstairs and go into your room to change. Going over to your closet, you pick out a simple outfit of your choosing, yet still make sure to wear the gray oversized hoodie that your father once owned.

Once everything was on, you made your way over to your mirror to put on enough makeup to cover the bruises on your face. Then finally, you pulled your hood over your head and went back downstairs.

Heading to the front door and grabbing your keys, then reach for your umbrella. However it wasn't there...

As you look around for it, you then turned towards your Mother only to notice the umbrella now in her hands.

Sighing, you then make your way over towards her before speaking.

"May I please have my umbrella back?" You ask.

"Go to the store." She responds.

"Mom-" You start, yet she quickly cuts you off.

"I said go." She spits.

Exhaling deeply as you do your best to keep calm, you then turn around and head back towards the front door.

Once you finally step outside, you pull out your headphones and place them into your ears, deciding to listen to ATEEZ while you silently repeated each word you heard. (stan ATEEZ plz and thank you) 

You were studying the Korean language after all, your mom hated it and thought you were wasting your time since you live in America, but you thought the language was beautiful.

Since graduating from high school a few years back, you've hade nothing else to really do with your time, besides working at your dead end job that you hated, so you spent your free time studying the language. It was the only thing bringing you any bit of happiness to your life anyways...

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