Chapter 38

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⚠️ Warning - Strong Language and Violence


Jong Suk's POV-

(The Next Day...)

Sitting at the bar once again, I reluctantly take a sip of my beer before setting it down, staring blankly at the counter.

My head is pounding, memories from last night flashing over and over in my mind.

I remember entering Moon Jo's place, that is after I broke a damn window. I have scratch marks from the glass to prove that. Then waking around his place with...a knife? I don't even know what I was planning.

But the memory that stuck out the most, was the sound from the closet when I called Y/n's phone.

Was I just imagining that? No, I couldn't have. It was all too real. Maybe he was messing with me.

Sighing deeply, I push my hair out of my face and look up just as I hear the front door to the bar open.

Looking over, I instantly notice who just walked in.

Ji Eun.

Sighing again just as we both made eye contact, I turn away and take another sip of my beer.

She looked just as sleep deprived, of not more, than the last time I saw her.

She comes over, sitting in the chair next to me as she exhales deeply.

"Hey." She says lowly

"Hey." I reply, staring down at my drink.

Min Ho's POV-

Sitting at my desk, Hee Joon sat beside me, we both place files of the previous murders of our infamous serial killer.

After setting each file down, my uncle opens each one, taking out the photographs as I turn on my computer.

Searching and finding the details for murder of Moon Jo's father that he committed, manage to find the photographs of the scene, enlarging them to look closer.

My uncle then takes out the file that the orphanage worker gave to us, finding and taking out the information given about the murder he committed towards the other child in the orphanage.

"Okay" I sigh
"Let's compare." I finish

We then look over each photo and text given, finding a comparison rather quickly.

"Look" I say, point to each victim's throat
"In each kill, the victims throats are always either stabbed or slit, causing the death of each person." I say

Hee Joon looks over what I point out, sighing deeply

"Then after," I start, grabbing a photo and bringing it up to the computer
"The killer loses control, repeatedly stabbing the victim until they're seemingly at ease again." I mention

My uncle rests his head in his hand, staring intently at the screen

"These two murders look exactly the same uncle" I say lowly

"I see that." He replies, looking away

I sigh
"It's him Hee Joon." I say

He shakes his head as he gets up

"We have nothing to link him to any of the previous murders though, Min Ho. Nothing." He says

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